Thanks for all the help so far. I ran the mobile install as root and it finished. I also did some initial testing to ensure I could access the FOG console after changing my VM’s network settings to use DHCP. It worked fine and even worked when I switched from a bridged to a NAT connection in VMware Workstation. I didn’t have time to try PXE-booting a test machine yet but will do that next.
Also, re: what @sudburr said, …I definitely see the concern and already took that into consideration before pushing ahead with this. In my particular situation it won’t be an issue since the locations I’ll be using this at don’t have any hardware set to PXE-boot other than VOIP phones and those operate on a separate VLAN. Also, I’ll be using my FOG VM very infrequently and it will only be in operation when I’m imaging new machines. Anyway, I think this is going to be the best/easiest way to go for me.