1.3.5-RC-10 Capone problem: no os id passed (determineOS)
I am having problems with Capone since the upgrade of fog from 1.2.x to 1.3.4. So I upgraded to git version. However I have now a different problem. I get: no os id passed (determineOS).
I see old threads on the forum, but they say that the issue should be resolved. I uninstalled my plugin, removed all capone configuration, but I still keep getting this issue.
How can I debug this further? I really need Capone, so Deploy Image is no solution!
What version are you running?
Your title says 1.3.5-RC-10, but your message says the problem came from 1.2.0 to 1.3.4? What was the problem here?
Does the image it’s trying to work with have an OS associated with it?
@Tom-Elliott I have updated from 1.2.x to 1.3.4 to 1.3.5-RC-10 (from git). The image has an OS assigned: Windows 7. I can deploy the image with the Deploy Image functionality.
The data sent from fog server to the client is:
my-image-name|5|n|all|0|| -
@tommie Is it likely, then, that the dmi flag is not setup?
I’ll try to explain more fully.
If the DMI key that’s being passed does not match what is being looked for, there wouldn’t be anything to pass to the get the os, or any information for that matter.
You will only receive information if the information being requested matches that of what’s defined.
@Tom-Elliott Hi we have been using this for 1,5 year. However it stopped working after upgrading.
DMI Field in the capone plugin is set to: system-product-name
Current image to DMI Associations is set and the DMI key matches with the DMI String that is on the pc. -
@Tom-Elliott Some more information. I see a POST on the server for capone. When I call this directly with GET attributes
which returns a base64 encoded response (decrypted):
my-image-name|5|n|all|0|| the server returns the correct image to the client, whoever I get the no os id passed…
@tommie I’ve confirmed the issue, though it seemed odd to have in the least.
I’ve corrected a couple of he pitfalls that did occur and it appears to be working now.
I’ve uploaded new init’s in hopes to help ensure all works as expected. If you rerun the installer you should receive the updated inits and this problem should be fixed.
@Tom-Elliott this fixed the issue!
Thank you very much!