Power Management in groups
- FOG Version: 1.3.4 SVN Revision: 6066
If i set a PowerManagement Task for a group it is set to each client properly. I can view or edit it under the client PowerManagement tab. But i cannot see it for a group i can only remove all task for a group.
Not sure if this is a real “bug” - but it would be nice if a group has a similar view as the clients have.
For example i have a group with one WOL and one shutdown task. Some clients from this group have addition shutdown task. So i need to click through each client to remove it.
Would be nice to have sth. like a scheduled tab for it. Because i have no overview over the PowerManagement task for a group if i do not click each client separately.
If you have Questions, feel free to ask!
Thank You
The reason for the separation of this “feature” in presentation is it’s a memory and performance hog. I’ve worked hard to get all of the group stuff to “link” up with one another, but there’s not a nice method to validate power management in such a way.
I don’t see this as a bug and will move it out of here as well. I do understand what you’re wanting, but it’s not something I’m going to put a bunch of effort into.
Further looking around, one of the niceties of the way the power management system works is associative to Hosts, the problem is we’d end up doing a lot of extra checks to make sure all hosts int he group have “matching” power management tasks.
The normal premise for group->host correlations works at the host level. If all hosts have the same fields (which can be checked much more easily) set, that matching field is displayed on the groups. You’ll notice, however, that (with the exception of module settings), things that have associative properties do not display with a definitive answer. Snapins and printers, whom follow a similar premise of association as power management stuff, show ALL of the defined items for both Add and Remove elements. Power management items, however, are not created before being associated which makes this that much harder to accomplish.
Thank you Tom! I understand! I will figure sth. out to work for my setup.