FOGMulticastManager won't start
@gwhitfield You’re not wasting our time. We help people willingly. If you can wait until about 4 PM central standard, I can offer some help through team viewer.
@Wayne-Workman I can do that. Thank you!
@Wayne-Workman I have been working on this as much as possible today and realize that my process was built on old instructions, that there are more recent instructions to do this. Specifically in how I have been logged in as my admin account rather than root (sudo -i) and using sudo to get me by, as well as the location of the installation not being /root/fogproject/. I have cleaned that up and feel pretty confident I can produce a better server. My boss has allocated a bit more time to this so I’m prepared to rebuild these servers. We can skip the TeamViewer session if it’s a hassle for you, I just don’t want to cause you any troubles. If you feel it’s something important to look at I’m all for it though?
@gwhitfield I’m all for you doing it yourself l. If you hit a bump in the new build, make a new thread and you’ll generally get help fast.
@Wayne-Workman Thanks a ton for you offer to assist!!! I’m going to put these servers right. Need to read up on how environments change in Linux as I’m guessing it has to do with my problem. Live and learn! This should be marked solved I think as we can reasonable guess the problem is hidden in how the server was built/upgraded in the first place.