Host/Group replication between FOG Servers
Is this possible? I have seen where the images can be replicated, but can the hosts be as well. I ask because sometimes we have machine that travel between multiple buildings and will e imaged there. We are trying not to have to register the machine at every building.
That does the storage nodes. So would I be correct in saying the following:
Create a FOG to be a Main, top dog server, then for all servers at other locations, I would use the location plugin to tie them all together? Which would mean I can push out images to image locally to that location, however the main FOG server is the only one handling the hosts and groups?
Also for the FOG service I would enter the IP of the main server for communication, but the nearest FOG server to the client should be the one handling the imaging? Or does the FOG service need to be configure per location?
Sorry still learning FOG, and its processes.
@adukes40 All questions - Yes. Correct.
Only one “top dog” server, configure all your fog clients to point to it.
Also, this is probably a good time to get your feet wet in FOG Trunk if you’re going to build a new server, as the location plugin’s abilities are expanded in fog trunk, and with the big performance improvements and functionality of the new client, UEFI support, Windows 10 Support, and other numerous reasons.
Plus, that video applies to fog trunk.
Trunk is developmental. Bugs come and go, but we are here for you. Just report and work with us. Look through the forums for examples of our efforts.
I believe I am already running trunk, as these servers have been up for a month or so. I do have 2 different servers here at this location, so I will try to play with this, the video is really helping.
Quick follow up though. Say I have machine 1 in building A, and it gets moved to building B. building A’s group location points to A’s server and building B to B’s server. if machine 1 is in building A, it should pull from that server. If it gets moved to building B, what happens if :
A) I forget to change the group it is associated to? Will it sill try to pull form building A from building B over the WAN?
B) If I do add it to a group pointing to building B’s server, will the host automatically but updated just by removing it from group A and adding to group B? -
Additional side note, can i register hosts at a separate location and have those hosts show up on the main server? Would I just need to register them and then do an export and import them to the main server?
@adukes40 said in Host/Group replication between FOG Servers:
Quick follow up though. Say I have machine 1 in building A, and it gets moved to building B. building A’s group location points to A’s server and building B to B’s server. if machine 1 is in building A, it should pull from that server. If it gets moved to building B, what happens if :
A) I forget to change the group it is associated to? Will it sill try to pull form building A from building B over the WAN?
B) If I do add it to a group pointing to building B’s server, will the host automatically but updated just by removing it from group A and adding to group B?First, you must understand that group settings are not persistent. Merely moving a host from one group to another only changes the groups it’s in. Best way I can explain it to you is when you apply settings to a group, you’re really just applying the settings one-time to all hosts in the group. Meaning, if you set AD credentials on a group, and then add another host to that group, that new host doesn’t have those settings because it wasn’t in the group when the settings were applied.
A) It will pull from building A over the WAN.
B) No. See what I said above.
Also - you may consider NOT setting a location on a host. That’s an option too, although I wouldn’t really recommend it if your WAN is slow.
@adukes40 said in Host/Group replication between FOG Servers:
Additional side note, can i register hosts at a separate location and have those hosts show up on the main server? Would I just need to register them and then do an export and import them to the main server?
You’re misunderstanding how it works, I’ll expalin. The main server is the top dog, it runs the web interface and the database.
All other servers should be configured as storage nodes. This is an option in the FOG Installer. All registrations at all sites communicate - ultimately - with the main server. You can configure all sites DHCP option 066 to point to the main server - or - to the local nodes, but if it’s pointing to the local nodes, those nodes are just relaying info to the main server. Nothing but images and snapins are stored on the nodes. The location plugin expands on this, by allowing the nodes to serve kernels and inits as well - which is a pretty good thing.
I should make another video… more comprehensive about multi-server setups…
AH ok, so when i go to set up the main server I do it as a “normal” installation, and the other schools should be installed as “storage” only? By doing this is Location A has the main server and database, and I go to place a new machine that hasnt been registered yet at Location B, then the registration will automatically go to Location A to the database? Am I correct in saying that?
I was going to install at the other sites to test replication on the WAN, i just installed the newest SVN and it is having trouble connecting to the database. IDK whats going on, for now I think i will just try to go rest my head a bit. I understand better about how it is going to work, and thanks for your patience and explanation. It really is helping me grasp it better.
@adukes40 You’re understanding sounds right.
Once you start using it, you’ll realize you were thinking way to hard about this lol.
well i just set up a new master, and storage node. Going to play with it more today to get a better feel. Thanks Wayne! I will try to remember to report back to tell hows its going.
@adukes40 The replication error is likely permissons or SELinux.
with the iPXE stuff, did you put in the correct main server IP during installing the storage node? You must also put in the correct MySQL fogstorage password for the storage node during installation too.
@Wayne-Workman said in Host/Group replication between FOG Servers:
@adukes40 The replication error is likely permissons or SELinux.
with the iPXE stuff, did you put in the correct main server IP during installing the storage node?
===Yes, it is the IP of the new main server I created.You must also put in the correct MySQL fogstorage password for the storage node during installation too.
===I have placed all the needed passwords. Here are the SS’s to show:Storage Node information from the /.fogsettings file:
What is typed into the management gui (copy and pasted):
Username: fog
Password: hXFzePJJGCBLw7uudEVDry9gGWL9AcO70FOtAblUxF4=i assume each node is supposed to have different storage management passwords? Because when i compare the two nodes, the Password is different.
This post is deleted! -
Also are permissions something I will need to set on all remote sites?
@adukes40 said in Host/Group replication between FOG Servers:
i assume each node is supposed to have different storage management passwords?
Correct. At this point, we need more details. Exactly what version of FOG trunk are you running, and what Linux distribution and version?
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Fog 7713
Fresh installed last night… between 8pm - 11pm EST.
@adukes40 Are the storage nodes the same version of FOG? It does matter. Also, you said you previously had a full fog server at each site? Are you using those or did you build fresh?