Bandwidth graph is gone
@Tom-Elliott Unfortunately, no change after updating. (Using git)
@moses just so we know - what version of CentOS ?
Static hostname: localhost.localdomain Icon name: computer-desktop Chassis: desktop Machine ID: -- Boot ID: -- Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-327.13.1.el7.x86_64 Architecture: x86-64
@moses PHP version?
PHP 5.6.20 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2016 07:17:10)
@Tom-Elliott Any update on this? Only reason I ask is because when I log in, the errors eventually cause the page to crash unless I quickly go to a different page.
@moses Remoting with you currently in hopes to see and fix the issue more directly.
Issue was the first node on the list was not returning data. This caused the whole thing to crash the bandwidth script.
@Tom-Elliott any way to make the dashboard more forgiving?
@Wayne-Workman It already is, if you update.