Private key not found
Please update and try again.
I think this is relating to a bad link.
You may need to run:
rm -rf /var/www/{,html/}fog
as well. -
i updated, deleted /var/www/html/fog then ran but i get the same error on hosts.
What happens if you go to the url?
i can download the file.
@raumin What’s the setting for the storage node referring to “fog-server” under sslpath?
I get this:
@raumin FOG GUI -> Storage Management Page -> List all/Search -> Click on the storage node known as fog-server.
In general you should have a field called SSL Path. What’s the value in there?
It’s the same value:
I have the same problem on my side (under Win 10 too).
Can people PLEASE, for the love all things trunk, post the EXACT version they see in their fog with the info?
I ask a lot for the info, then get vested into trying to narrow things down. If it were that big a problem I’d be definitely made fully aware of it by many sources.
It never helps when we don’t know what version people are running though.
For all I know, the updates aren’t actually updating. For example, running
svn up
from the trunk/bin folder vs. the trunk folder. -
@Tom-Elliott Sorry Thomas. I am running 7001.
Tom solved the problem, thank you.
The issue, for others who may stumble across.
If you’re getting Private key not found but all the data seems to point that you do have a Private key file. Make sure the node (ip address or whatever) is actually a node within the system.
In @raumin’s case fog-server was not the node he was working with. The node he had defined was a NAS. NAS’s suck (plain and short) but have their own uses. (No offense to anybody using one, just they’re a bit of a pain to play with to get working with fog).
So the clients were looking at the thing @raumin is using as the GUI access point for private key. This was not a defined node (and I will try to come up with a better approach).
The fix, for now, is to always have a node for the GUI as well. You do not need to have the node enabled for things to work, and I would highly recommend against using in such a setup (NAS->Central GUI) trying to make the GUI node a “master” of the group it’s working with, unless you want it setup in such a way.
For our fix. We created a definition for the node and gave it the proper ip address. All started working immediately.