Sending discover loop
@pmonstad WAN is not Wireless Access network, WAN literally means “Wide area network” which is the premise behind the internet.
Your wireless card should not be impacting this as I do not install any wireless drivers in the kernels.
This does not mean there isn’t a potential for a wireless driver to have slipped in, but I’m not aware of there being one.
Can you boot into a Debug task, and have it wait? The sending discover will end at some point, and it shouldn’t take it too too long. Then we can move along and try to see what the system thinks is available to hopefully figure out a problem.
@Tom-Elliott : I am aware of that, I just refer to the Windows drivers installed and showed in control panel. I’m only wire connected when I do upload/deploy. The discover did not end at all. It was unattended from yesterday afternoon and it was still waiting this morning. The strange thing this worked two days ago but stopped working after a svn update. I will try debug mode tomorrow.
@pmonstad While i did make changes to the init, I did not make changes to how the network starts.
@Tom-Elliott This problem is driving me crazy. A lot of my old client are not able to be deployed any more. I run svn 5469 on a centos 6.7 server. All I get is the message telling Sending discover.
The clients are Thinkpad T500 and R61. Some works, some doesn’t. All have worked in the spring before I “upgraded” to a newer FOG svn.
No changes in my central DHCP server and infrastructure is unchanged.
@pmonstad Could you please take a picture of this and post it here?? I just want to make sure FOG can “see” your NIC. We should see this on the picture…
The best bet I could give you is to attempt an older kernel. Nothing has changed in how the init handles getting IP Addresses, so if it worked once, it is most likely related to a newer kernel.
@Sebastian-Roth I’ll try to make a small movie of the boot tomorrow. The strange thing is, I guess the NIC and drivers are loaded as I could register the host after first removing if from FOG gui. No errors at all during the fog registration…
Images showing the boot process.
point to a USB mobile broadband network device. Please disconnect this and try again! -
@Sebastian-Roth Thanks! I turned off the Wireless WAN in BIOS and the client works. But this was never a problem before. I do not need this Wireless WAN device, but what if the scenario is different, users have to use the device? Should I then have to turn off/on this device each time I want to deploy the client?
From what I could find out on the internet this has nothing to do with wireless!! As Tom already said: WAN means ‘wide area network’ - nothing about wireless! We don’t have any wireless drivers in the kernel (I just checked again). Searching the web about Thinkpad T500 and wwan0 I only see people using USB mobile broadband adapters but nothing about wireless.
Can you please take a picture of the BIOS setting you changed?
Just found this:
the laptop (a thinkpad t500) has an integrated mobile modem. i think it is some kind of ericsson f3507g.
Seams like this is found by the cdc_ether driver. First I thought that some FOG users use the driver with USB network cards. But searching the forum (cdc_ether mentioned only once!) and reading other things like I really wonder if we need this in the kernel. @Tom-Elliott what do you think?
@pmonstad Please try updating and running the installer, I’ve updated the kernels to remove the usbnet problem @Sebastian-Roth is describing.
Hopefully this is corrected for now.
@Tom-Elliott I ran the installer and rebooted my client. Same problem i.e. it shows same messages during the boot process.
@pmonstad The problematic device is shown as wwan0 during client boot, and the device still shows after doing the upgrade to svn 5485.
@Tom-Elliott I don’t see the kernel config in SVN being updated ( Am I missing something here??
I updated the kernel as a test, I have not pushed the config up because I wanted to know that status first.
@pmonstad Are you sure you have the latest kernel/init?? To make sure we should compare MD5 hashes. Please run
md5sum /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/bzImage /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/init.xz
Checksums should be:
b6aae1e7fa985e48cc60cda106152cf7 bzImage fea93a2b7ea97d7a972c40018f1152af init.xz
@Sebastian-Roth I will check this at work tomorrow. Thanks!
@Tom-Elliott I just ran the svn command to get the latest svn downloaded. Then I ran the ./ script. Should I do something else to test this new kernel?