Another update another lost access storage.
Can you please provide the latest SVN number? The issue was after updating the last version before yesterday.@Wayne-Workman
All my storage nodes are local and the default storage is set as master as well. I did my homework before coming for help. -
@DarkEnergy If you go to your /svn/trunk directory,
To get the latest revision, all you have to type is
[CODE]svn up[/CODE] -
Hi again everyone.
I have updated to SVN Version: 3605. And thanks for the work of master Elliott I have back my listing of client’s images. But now I get a different error when pushing the images:
An error has been detected!
Unable to determine operating system type!
The computer will reboot in 1 minute
Any information, assist and/or ideas greatly appreciated. -
Does the image have an associated OS to it?
Yes, it is Windows 7 OS and also it is associated to several computers. -
And back to square 1!!!
Is there a way to move the current configuration with the images to another FOG server? Is it possible to copy the images to another server as well as the MySQL server configuration? -
@DarkEnergy I’m attempting to reach you via chat.
I have a suspicion as to why this “Happens nearly every time an update is performed”
Is it something I can help with or is all in the PHP code? I was hoping to get a fix before Monday is that is possible. Is this error related to the previous error; Unable to determine operating system type!? -
@DarkEnergy Check your chats.
Yeah and no, I think.
I don’t know how to describe it simply.
Since we got your stuff, kind of, working, I haven’t changed the storage or image stuff so as to break it as you were once seeing. If anything, I found and fixed more potential issues