FOG 1.2.0 : Multicast : PXE clients freeze, no FOGMulticastManager service
Hi !
Thank you for your answers Tom and ch3i.
If i understood, the only solution is to delcare the NAS directly on the FOG server by using the /etc/fstab ?
Like this : NAS_ip:/volume1/images /images nfs defaults 0 0
and use the DefaultMember storage ? -
@Jonathan-Cool That is correct. Though there is a potential issue. As the NAS is shared via NFS to the FOG Server, then the FOG Server is trying to share it’s NFS to the other systems. This may be a problem because NFS can’t be shared if it’s mount point is already NFS.
@Tom : Yes. I know this issue and it can be solved by using unfs3 … but, i think, with unfs3, the average transfer will be slow.
Now, i’m not sure if multicast is necessary …
If i have time, i will compare the average transfer time between “unicast” and “multicast unfs3” and will post results here. -
@Jonathan-cool I think a better option, maybe, is to mount the NAS as SAMBA/CIFS and then you would not have much hit on network performance. To add to that, if you’d be able to upgrade to Trunk, you’ll find the init’s perform Way better. I know it’s scary to jump onto a dev release, but it works.
@Tom Elliott : Many thanks for your answer.
Now, i will use my brain and think if multicast is really necessary …
In french, a proveb say : “Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien”.In few days, i will discuss with my collegue of the situation and we will choose a good decision about that.
PS : Learn guitar is hard but it’s a very cool hobbie