FOG Images got deleted suddenly from /images/dev path
Dear Team,
This is inform you that , We have FOG Server in our center , I have Uploaded 10 Winodws 7 images on /images/dev path, then i was uploading one more images on FOG Server (part clone was running) after that we went for lunch and after post lunch we checked FOG Server suddenly all images were deleted from /images/dev path. I have also tried testdisk linux utility tool but no luck.
Request to help me out ASAP.
Have you checked the proper image location?
Images in /images/dev are only for Uploads, not the actually storage of the image. Once the upload completes it moves/puts the image from /images/dev/ to /images.
HI Tom,
Thanks for reply
I have checked the all images location but images were not found in FOG Server
I will provide mentioned details soon.
What do you mean?
FOG Doesn’t magically delete files from the system. There is the slight potential of losing [b]AN[/b] image based what we can tell on the size of the file and the length of time it takes to copy the old and the new back over. But it would only delete the image that you are currently working on uploading anyway. FOG does not randomly delete images from your server. The few things I can think of,
First, the /images is not a local disk system on the server but rather a mounted disk that mounts to /images, potentially by a USB connection. Maybe the USB lost access due to standby? This would cause the mount point to no longer exist which would appear as if your images are lost.
Second, the /images is local but there’s a problem with the main drive it’s loaded on? It stops being able to be read, which would give the impression of the drive no longer existing. This would assume you have two hdd’s on the system, one that’s hosting your OS, and one that’s dedicated to your images.