Deploying issues
Is it possible the file that’s being read is corrupt? Potential bad disk on the server? Potential data recovery issue?
is there any way to check image integrity?
I uploaded a new image and im still getting “Read error: no such file or directory”, sometimes at 10, sometimes at 70 , it just randomly crash when downloading an image. Any ideas where to begggin? Is there any fog log file to check?
As I stated before I don’t think it’s a problem with the image but rather the device or Ray device that it sitting out you may have to check your systems error logs to see if this is the case maybe on mount the system that for the device that’s connected to images and run a filesystem check
i cant see any problems on the server, uploading the image works pretty well but the downloads still failing, can you guide me a little more on where to take a look?
I cannot because I don’t know your particular setup.
fog 1.2.0 running on a dedicated ubuntu 14.04 server x64
Not that. I mean the way devices are hooked up.
I still having this issue when deploying, ive already reinstaled all my os ( Ubuntu 13.04 server x64) and fog 1.2.0 , ive recreated one of my images and i still having this “Read error” message at some point on the restoration process, sometimes at 50 sometimes at 10 , I dont really know what to do at this point
If you’re using the same “system” and having the same “symptoms” that further tells me there’s something wrong with the disk that is containing the image, especially when paired with the randomicity of the points of failure.
well actually im running the system on a new hard drive
Does this happen on all systems trying to receive the image? Or just this one particular system?
Issue resolved.
Dont ask me how but I tried with two different systems and Ive been able to restore them