Autoimage Machines, possible?
Quick question. Should the image reside in the root of /images/ with a name of <imagename>.000, or should it be inside its own folder named <imagename> and have the original filename of <macadress>.000 ?
I currently have it as the second option.
Alright, I’m flooding this thread but I think I finally got it working. I went through other posts here on the forums and notice that other people also had 0.00 iB info on their uploaded images, and they also were unable to copy from /images/dev/ to /images automatically. On one of your posts you mentioned that the image upload is first done via NFS, but the via FTP you do the relocation.
This got me thinking and I assumed that something was wrong with the FTP password. I simply ran sudo passswd fog and changed the password. Then via the Web GUI on 2 places: Storage management and Fog Settings.
I then hunted down the Config.class.php file and updated the password there too.
It is working now. I am testing a few wipes and reimages to confirm.
While I’m sure we could’ve come to these conclusions separately, I’m glad you got this part working for you. That and that you searched and found your answer right here on the forums already!!!