[Requested] Multi-Site Location Patch [Requested]
Update on the Portable Storage Nodes.
We now have 3 laptops configured as storage nodes across 15 location.
There is however an issue I have encountered with the web interface’s Dashboard on the Home page. What seems to be happening is that the dashboard is trying to gather information the 18 storage nodes (multiple entries for each laptop) that FOG has in it’s database but mostly not connected. This is causing navigation away from the Home page to stall while the information gathering completes/fails. It will get to the other pages but it takes it’s time. All other page changes in the web interface appear run as quickly as with only the master node in place.
With 18 storage nodes defined and a max 4 servers connected at any one point, getting away from the Home page can take up to a minute.
It’s something to look into if the Location patch is going to be integrated into the full version eventually.
I have noticed that after applying this you can’t delete computer from the web GUI I 'm no coding master but if you have a chance could you take a look and see if this could be fixed.
We’ve noticed the same thing, also we used to be able to search for example by service tag on a Dell, but now that returns nothing…
This is a change from 0.31 to 0.32 you have to use 0.31 for this patch to work. It work great on a 0.31 system for me along with some other modifications we can image machines all on the remote network with very little WAN traffic.