Error imports hosts .csv from 0.29 to 1.2.0
Excuse my english, i’ll try to explain my problem :
When i want to import my hosts from version 0.29 to my new server in 1.2.0 i have an error message :
“Row #1: Invalid number of cells”
I join my file because i don’t understand my error, i have try many .csv and always the same error message.
In my file there is only one host but at least i need to migrate 500 hosts so Thanks for your help
The import file is, now, supposed to be a CSV (Comma Separated Value)
Meaning the file should be a text file purely.
It should contain the information as:
Your file, appears to be in the wrong format with:
MACWITHCOLONSHOSTAMESo the number of cells is invalid. Place a comma between the name and mac addres and remove the header field and you should be good.