Unable to connect to host
I do get the message it works, but still unable to connect to host when logging into webui.
Ok, sorry I maybe confused here. Can you take a screen shot of the error and a screen shot of your config.php?
This what happens when i try login to webui.
Screenshot of config.php file. Thanks for all the help!
[IMG]http://fogproject.org/forum/webkit-fake-url://F329B544-02DA-47D0-BE43-27DA5C3DBA90/image.tiff[/IMG] -
your images are not showing up. Set them up as an attachment.
Sorry about that.
[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/54_Browser screenshot.png?:”]Browser screenshot.png[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/0/55_config screenshot.png?:”]config screenshot.png[/url]
Ok looks like its not able to connect to the MYSQL database. Scroll down farther in your config.php file (the 3rd red box in my picture above) and make sure you have the correct password in there (the the one you entered while setting up fog initially) (the database should be fog the user should be root), also is your username and password to logon to your ubuntu pc fog/fog?
I have the same password entered there as my other ones. Also i login to my ubuntu account with my name as user and fog as my password. Having that password set to fog conflict with something by chance?
Did you use the password “fog” for your MYSQL database when setting it up? or did you leave it blank? (most guides i have read say just leave it blank so if you followed a guide perhaps you also left it blank and thats what it should be). It really sounds like you have the incorrect password set to login to the SQL database “fog”.
Make sure you have the password entered at the initial setup for the SQL database entered in /var/www/fog/commons/config.php and also check /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php
Oh sorry read your post again your login needs to be set to “fog” as the username NOT USER.
I’m a bit confused. I didn’t think you could login to the fog account when it creates it. Also I tried leaving the password blank in both files but still got the same error. The guide i followed had me enter a password and i made sure to right it down so i don’t think it is a lack of not know my password. If I somehow fat fingered it when changing in the webui could that be my problem?
In your original post you said “Once changing my tftp_ftp_password in webui to my fog password I get “unable to connect to host”.”
I am trying everything I can think of but this error does not come from chaging that password. To double check I logged into my fog server changed that password rebooted and logged in again with no issues. Im sure i will not be able to boot a client up to the fog server but the WEBUI should NOT be affected in anyway by this change.
The ONLY way I have replicated this error is by typing the WRONG password (the one I DID NOT use at the SQL setup portion of the fog server) into:
“MYSQL_PASSWORD” “xxxxxxxxxxxx”
does your portion of the config.php look like mine?
Im sorry I couldnt be of more assistance.
I appreciate you taking your time to help me after making sure all my passwords were correct I started looking through my notes. I found one file that i had documented that I had messed with. This file was /etc/mysql/my.cnf. For some reason when i switched my bind address i must have not hit save when i updated my ip address. Once again thank you for you time.