Windows 7 Deployment FOG- SAD2 Driver tool
Thanks andyroo54 for your guide. I have used most of your guide but added my own bit at the end which some people may be interested in.
Loved the idea of the SAD2 for drivers but to keep image size down and to add drivers without having to update the image I did the following. I injected all Windows 7 ethernet drivers from driverpacks into my image when offline before uploading to FOG only adding around 200mb to the image file using dism inject see [url][/url] (near the end) for more details.
I then used your script to call SAD2 but from a network location on first boot using the setup scripts, so instead of START C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118\DP_Install_Tool.cmd I used START [URL=‘’]\nas\Drivers\SAD2-111118\DP_Install_Tool.cmd[/URL] . I setup a basic share with no authentcation on my NAS so any machines could read the files. If I ever need to update the driverpacks I can do all of this without ever touching the image. Hope this helps someone.
[INDENT=1]There will be some small updates to this, I’ve found that if FOG is installed before syspep then while the DP install tool is running it can cause the machine to restart in order to rename/join to domain. I will update tonight with my solution.[/INDENT]
[/QUOTE]I also found this problem but added to the start of the DP_Install_Tool.cmd, Net stop “Fog Service” which will prevent the machine from restarting before it installs all drivers needed and then added "net start “Fog Service” to the end of the script to start fog again which then within seconds renames and reboots the machine. Its working very well for me. Thanks again to andyroo54
[quote=“bobdigby, post: 2031, member: 675”]Thanks andyroo54 for your guide. I have used most of your guide but added my own bit at the end which some people may be interested in.
Loved the idea of the SAD2 for drivers but to keep image size down and to add drivers without having to update the image I did the following. I injected all Windows 7 ethernet drivers from driverpacks into my image when offline before uploading to FOG only adding around 200mb to the image file using dism inject see [url][/url] (near the end) for more details.
I then used your script to call SAD2 but from a network location on first boot using the setup scripts, so instead of START C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118\DP_Install_Tool.cmd I used START [URL=‘’]\nas\Drivers\SAD2-111118\DP_Install_Tool.cmd[/URL] . I setup a basic share with no authentcation on my NAS so any machines could read the files. If I ever need to update the driverpacks I can do all of this without ever touching the image. Hope this helps someone.
Hi Bob,
Thanks for the tip, I was going to do this also I even setup the network share, but I found that the driverpacks are released so infrequently, and I can easily update the image thanks to VMware image, plus the total size added to my image was only approx 1GB, so I didn’t bother. But your suggestion is a good one and I’m sure others out there may want to do the same! Thanks for contributing.
Falko I will update the DP tool when I can, because I’ve made several changes to it, and it works just fine I don’t need anything else added. But as above I do need to update it anyway because of the changes I mentioned where FOG was causing a restart before DP install tool had run. I will update just as soon as I can .
[quote=“bobdigby, post: 2032, member: 675”]I also found this problem but added to the start of the DP_Install_Tool.cmd, Net stop “Fog Service” which will prevent the machine from restarting before it installs all drivers needed and then added "net start “Fog Service” to the end of the script to start fog again which then within seconds renames and reboots the machine. Its working very well for me. Thanks again to andyroo54[/quote]
Good suggestion bob, much simpler than my way, I’ve changed my method back to fog in image before install, but then just stopped the service while the dpinstall tool is running. Works a treat! I’ll update the guide shortly.
I’ve done the same thing, but using a NAS with authentication (our network asks for it).
You need a copy of DP_Install_Tool.cmd with its bin folder in your drivers repository, as well as the same structure so DP_Install_Tool finds the drivers.
First of all, I’ve modified the image to add DP_Install_Tools with network drivers, and once they are installed, it calls the second DP_Install_Tools located in the drivers repository.
In the local DP_Install_Tool.cmd, look for:
COLOR=#ff0000 ECHO. & ECHO This window will close itself in 30 seconds… & ECHO. [/COLOR]
COLOR=#ff0000 For /l %%A in (1,1,30) do (<nul (SET/p z=#) & >nul ping -n 2 ) [/COLOR]
COLOR=#ff0000)[/COLOR]delete both “Echo…” and “For…” lines. Besides, add:
COLOR=#ff0000net use Z: \YourSource\YourDriversPath YourPassword /USER:YourDomain\YourUsername /PERSISTENT:NO[/COLOR]
COLOR=#ff0000start Z:\DP_Install_Tools.cmd[/COLOR]If you want to automate the whole process, delete or edit (in both of the .cmd) the lines where you are asked if you want to keep the drivers.
You could also (for kicks) automate the process using an auto extracting 7zip. The file transfer speed might be faster as well, since it is moving a single compressed folder across the network.
Well documented Smog
I really like this process and I am working on implementing it right now at my company. I do have a couple of questions though.
1.) The SAD2 program that I am using is rather old. The links in the thread you reference to the software download fail. I had to dig back quite a few versions to find one that could be downloaded. Any chance you can post the most recent version you have here or email it to me?
2.) When using your guide, the setupcomplete.cmd script runs on the initial login and calls SAD2 to run. When my syspreped install finishes it does run the script and call SAD2 but SAD2 doesn’t get anywhere other then trying to start because windows is still in the process of coming up and logging in. It seems like the setupcomplete script runs to soon.
Any thoughts?
This guide is amazing, no doubt. But I’ve got a question about where
[CODE]shutdown -r -c “Drivers Installed! Machine will now restart…”
START C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118\RemoveD.cmd
EXIT[/CODE]is or goes. I can’t find it in any of the configuration files already provided or where to put that.
Thanks so much for this awesome guide, it’s really helped me out a ton!
hi all weve just started rolling windows 7 out and thought id ask a few things, the sysprep scenario is a right faff from reading the great articles here it makes more sense but to clarify, should i be editing machines in audit mode first then sealing up with a full sysprep/ generalize? ON a test machine in a lab im getting a odd error when i go to log in on domain it keeps saying No windows logon servers to service this request any body seen this isse before? its a mixed domain between 2003/2008 domain controllers
[quote=“nb27alex, post: 2265, member: 162”]This guide is amazing, no doubt. But I’ve got a question about where
[CODE]shutdown -r -c “Drivers Installed! Machine will now restart…”
START C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118\RemoveD.cmd
EXIT[/CODE]is or goes. I can’t find it in any of the configuration files already provided or where to put that.
Thanks so much for this awesome guide, it’s really helped me out a ton!
Hi Alex,
I can’t upload the .cmd file here, so just copy and paste the below into a text file, and renmae the file “RemoveD.cmd” then you need to place it in the directory where the DPinstall tool calls it to run, which is:
All it does is just delete the Folder C:\D which is created during the driver pack tool running, and it delete the driver packs from the C drive. You don’t really need it but it just helps clean up a little.
This is the script:
rd /s/q C:\D
DEL /F /S /Q /A “C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118”
rd /s/q C:\Drivers\SAD2-111118
[quote=“pallytank09, post: 2258, member: 731”]I really like this process and I am working on implementing it right now at my company. I do have a couple of questions though.
1.) The SAD2 program that I am using is rather old. The links in the thread you reference to the software download fail. I had to dig back quite a few versions to find one that could be downloaded. Any chance you can post the most recent version you have here or email it to me?
2.) When using your guide, the setupcomplete.cmd script runs on the initial login and calls SAD2 to run. When my syspreped install finishes it does run the script and call SAD2 but SAD2 doesn’t get anywhere other then trying to start because windows is still in the process of coming up and logging in. It seems like the setupcomplete script runs to soon.
Any thoughts?[/quote]
Hi, the DPinstall tool is basically just a .cmd script. It’s attached as a .txt to the first or second post. But I’ve made one small change, which is that I added “NET STOP “Fog Service”” to the start, and end of the script to avoid fog restarting while the tool is running. I will attach the updated script that I use, as a .txt file. You will need to rename it .cmd extension, and then replace the “DPInstallTool.cmd” in the SAD21111118 folder. You can download the version I use here:
Or you can check the latest releases here:
I think the guy who wrote it occasionally releases newer versions of the script, but for my purposes this works, and believe me it has been tested thoroughly.
As to the tool starting while windows is starting up, yes, the setupcomplete.cmd script will run, and it doesn’t seem to obey “SLEEP.exe” from what I’ve tested. This is how it works for me, but as long as you configure your unattend.xml file to automatically log on as administrator one or two times after install, then the DPinstall tool starts, then windows logs on as admin, and the dp install tool runs no problems.
If you want to get the script to be a little delayed, then since it ignored “SLEEP.exe” you might be able to add something like this to the start of the script:
[FONT=Verdana][COLOR=#000080][COLOR=#000000]For any MS-DOS or Windows version with a TCP/IP client, [COLOR=#005900]PING[/COLOR] can be used to delay execution for a number of seconds.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000]If specified (-w switch), [COLOR=#005900]PING[/COLOR] will wait for a number of milliseconds between two pings before giving a time-out.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=#005900][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#000000]PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#005900][FONT=Courier New] [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#005900][FONT=Courier New][COLOR=#000000]I haven’t tested if this works though with the setupcomplete.cmd.[/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR] -
[quote=“Darren George, post: 2272, member: 375”]hi all weve just started rolling windows 7 out and thought id ask a few things, the sysprep scenario is a right faff from reading the great articles here it makes more sense but to clarify, should i be editing machines in audit mode first then sealing up with a full sysprep/ generalize? ON a test machine in a lab im getting a odd error when i go to log in on domain it keeps saying No windows logon servers to service this request any body seen this isse before? its a mixed domain between 2003/2008 domain controllers[/quote]
Yes you should make all changes to the PC while it is in audit mode, as per the instructions. I haven’t had that problem myself with win 7, it might be best to start a new thread in windows related.
Hello All,
this is my first attempt with FOG. I’d heard about it in the past, but until this tutorial came along, I wasn’t sure if creating a hardware-independent image was possible. We currently use Altiris, which allows us to have a hardware-independent image. However, we are not interested in upgrading to the latest version of Altiris so we are exploring some options. Basically, I set up fog in about 30 minutes, and I spent the better part of this afternoon creating a “master” vm machine to take the image from. Not being familiar with this process, when I reached step 9 and got to this point
“And install the FOG client service. [BE SURE TO REPLACE YOUR “Hostnamechanger.dll” or your machine won’t rename and add to domain after imaging”. Replace this after FOG client is installed."I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I installed the client service but did not reboot. I then went and found hostnamechange.dll and deleted it. I don’t think that was the proper procedure, but I’m unclear.
Any advice appreciated.
Brad -
[quote=“brad johnson, post: 2363, member: 733”]Hello All,
this is my first attempt with FOG. I’d heard about it in the past, but until this tutorial came along, I wasn’t sure if creating a hardware-independent image was possible. We currently use Altiris, which allows us to have a hardware-independent image. However, we are not interested in upgrading to the latest version of Altiris so we are exploring some options. Basically, I set up fog in about 30 minutes, and I spent the better part of this afternoon creating a “master” vm machine to take the image from. Not being familiar with this process, when I reached step 9 and got to this point
“And install the FOG client service. [BE SURE TO REPLACE YOUR “Hostnamechanger.dll” or your machine won’t rename and add to domain after imaging”. Replace this after FOG client is installed."I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I installed the client service but did not reboot. I then went and found hostnamechange.dll and deleted it. I don’t think that was the proper procedure, but I’m unclear.
Any advice appreciated.
Brad[/quote]Hi, you need to edit your own “hostnamechanger.dll” so that your machines can join to the domain etc. You don’t want to delete it entirely. It should rename machines for you even if you don’t change it. But it won’t add your machines to active directory in it’s standard form.
[quote=“andyroo54, post: 2364, member: 267”]Hi, you need to edit your own “hostnamechanger.dll” so that your machines can join to the domain etc. You don’t want to delete it entirely. It should rename machines for you even if you don’t change it. But it won’t add your machines to active directory in it’s standard form.
I have never edited hostnamechanget.dll. I just install fog service before sysprepping and add AD credentials to FOG web ui.
My machines rename on deploy and join the domain just fine -
[quote=“falko, post: 2367, member: 48”]I have never edited hostnamechanget.dll. I just install fog service before sysprepping and add AD credentials to FOG web ui.
My machines rename on deploy and join the domain just fine[/quote]Yeah I’, not really sure but I couldn’t get mine to work even with credentials in FOG web ui, our FOG server was setup by the person before me, I’ve only ever set one up at home just to try it out for myself on an old PC. But I found unless I used the Hostnamechanger.dll from his original XP image it wouldn’t join to the domain. So I assumed he must have edited it with credentials or something…
Google helps here
Also look @ page 27 of this guide - [url][/url] -
Nice Guide!
It is possible to use netdom to join domain in win7 also, so any other good reason to install the fog service, than the join domain functionality? To use netdom you have to install the windows 7 admin tool, but it is pretty simple to install. -
Fog service also pushes out software packages you can customize and build yourself. Can auto-shut down / log off / modify clients remotely (big help).
If you don’t want to use Active Directory for all your software pushing and updates it’s a great work-around solution.
[quote=“ssx4life, post: 2401, member: 268”]Fog service also pushes out software packages you can customize and build yourself. Can auto-shut down / log off / modify clients remotely (big help).
If you don’t want to use Active Directory for all your software pushing and updates it’s a great work-around solution.[/quote]
As SSX says, For me one of the best features of FOG is to deploy programs automatically. It’s one thing to save two hours installing windows 7, but it’s another game all together installing programs automatically after imagine. Saves time like you wouldn’t believe.