FOG Main Server cannot determine free storage from a fog storage node
if i try to connect to the new storage nodes freespace.php i see that:
Why the hell will this displayed? There is no sql database on the storage node (S)…!FOG Main is SVN (1.2.0)
Storage Node is SVN (Today)Is that a problem?
i’ve installed same latest svn on both now, and i still get no free disk space:
If i open freespace.php on new storage node (S) it still want to update a db that isnt existing on a storage node (S).Regards
This sounds, to me, like the Storage Nodes /var/www/fog/lib/fog/Config.class.php isn’t looking at the Main FOG Server’s database, as is intended. The way a node works, is it simply links to the main FOG Server and uses the main database.
If the main FOG Server’s IP is, then the Config.class.php should look something like:
[php] /**
* db_settings();
* Defines the database settings for FOG
* @return void
private static function db_settings()
define(‘DATABASE_TYPE’, ‘mysql’); // mysql or oracle
define(‘DATABASE_HOST’, ‘’);
define(‘DATABASE_NAME’, ‘fog’);
define(‘DATABASE_USERNAME’, ‘fogstorage’);
define(‘DATABASE_PASSWORD’, ‘fs8816181243’);
}[/php] -
the Config.class.php is fine:
fog main (db):
additional storage node (s): picture above is taken from
It must be another problem.Also: Using the additional storage node is working fine, what is not working is the correct image size on server but that was also wrong with main node, it always shows around 2gb for image on server:
And fog main does not show free space for additional storage node:
I used the following informations from main fog (db) to configure the additional storage node:
Regards X23
From that storage node:
If you run:
[code]mysql -u fogstorage -p’fs1139809790’ -h172.19.102.17 fog[/code]Does it connect?
it seems you found it:
Hmm but why are the credentials wrong? I used what is display here:
Howto find out correct credentials?Edit:
Hmm it says cannot connect not wrong credentials… hmm db ip is pingable…
Regards X23
this one is also fixed, my fog db was only accessible from like that no additional storage node can connect fogs db, we changed mysql settings to make it accessible from anyone or in special only the storage node.
@Tom you did the changes maybe you can go deeper with details?
Regards X23
The only change I did for this issue:
Edit the /etc/mysql/my.cnf file (ubuntu)
Look for the line that has something along the lines of:
Make it look like:
[code]#bind-address=[/code]Restart mysql:
[code]sudo service mysql restart[/code] -
@Tom-Elliott This is the command I execute for the node to register with the fog master? I wanted to perform the same procedure as the installation script when we chose the storage version and it automatically registers itself on the master.
Thank you very much -
@kamburta I am not sure this is the right topic to be trying to bring back from the dead. There has been quite a lot (almost entirely) that’s changed about FOG since 2014.
Registering nodes ot the master is, now, automated during the installation process of a new storage node.