FOG 1.2.0 multicast issues
Here is the output I get though I’m not sure should the FOGMulticastManager service be started or not when running this (in this case it wasn’t:
Udp-sender 20120424
No suitable network interface found
The following interfaces are available:
Udp-sender 20120424
No suitable network interface found
The following interfaces are available:
eth1 -
Here is the relevant folder for the image in /images
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2014-07-17 15:56 PeteTest
Also note /images is mounted on a remote folder.
Chattr command gives this: chattr: Inappropriate ioctl for device while reading flags on /images
As /images is mounted remotely, what’s the fstab/mtab entry for this mount point look like?
mtab: /images nfs rw,addr= 0 0
fstab has nothing related to /images in it.
On the remote site, on the remote side, can you make sure the permissions are:
[code]chmod -R 777 /images[/code] -
Verified. I logged into the other server and permission are as requested.
can you run:
[code]sudo mount -o remount,rw /images[/code] -
I tried the remount, restarted service, still not working.
Is there another script that’s mounting to /images? autofs perchance?
The problem, as I can tell it, is because the /images directory is not mounting it in rw mode even though you’re requesting it.
From the box that’s hosting the /images directory, what’s the /etc/exports file look like?
Another piece of information…
When I add the multicast task for these 2 clients from the Group Management menu the tasks get listed in the Active Tasks but there is no listing in the Active Multicast Tasks.
There shouldn’t be,
THe listing only becomes active once the command is started. (Task such and such started) from the logs.
Once the cmd is started, it places the multicast task into a “queued/in-progress”. In your case, it probably doesn’t get seen because right after it starts it closes the task as “complete”
exports file:
/images *(ro,sync,no_wdelay,insecure_locks,no_root_squash ,insecure)
/images/dev *(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure) -
Since it looks like /images is read-only in the exports file should I edit that file for rw or is there a different way of changing it? Or is it not necessary?
is that from fog server or the box where /images is moutned from?
That is from the box where the images are stored.
I’d say copy the exports from there to your FOG Server, if they don’t match already.
In that exports only set:
[code]*(rw,sync,no_wdelay,no_root_squash,insecure)[/code] -
Then restart the NFS services on both the hosting images box and the fog server.
[code]sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart[/code]
They both match. Which should I change, fog server or image box?
The image box.
done. restarted nfs kernel servers and FOGMulticastManager and still not working