FOG 1.1.2 creat new Storage management
I am running FOG 1.1.2 ond ubuntu 14.04 lts and I am trying to connect to Asus Nas M-25 for storage management.
And I allways get “failed to connecto to”I got NFS activated and maped in NAS
I have a folder just for FOG.Dont know what I could be doing wrong
Is FOG installed on the NAS?
FOG Uses a file in {fogwebdir}/status/freespace.php passed to the node to get the disk space.
No, its installed in a VMWare.
I gave the first disk 20 GiB and have free 9 Gib and that’s useless for saving isos
I tried connecting to a Asus NAS but i wont connect -
Well, I was doing it all wrong.
I just installed ubuntu on another server, and created a node.
The instalation gave me the user and the pass for that node, but now when I add another storage to fog it cant connect to the graphicsbut I go the info from the server
[CODE]General Information
Storage Node teste
Kernel 3.13.0-30-generic
Hostname fognod1
Uptime 16:30:15 up 11 min, 2 users, load average: 0.01, 0.12, 0.14
CPU Type GenuineIntel
CPU Count 8
CPU Model IntelXeon
CPU E5335 @ 2.00GHz
CPU Speed 1995.017
CPU Cache 4096 KB
Total Memory 12016
Used Memory 612
Free Memory 11404
File System Information
Total Disk Space 263.95 GiB
Used Disk Space 4.37 GiB
Network Information
eth0 Information
eth0 TX 554.07 KiB
eth0 RX 13.59 KiB
eth0 Errors 0
eth0 Dropped 1284
eth1 Information
eth1 TX 574.5 KiB
eth1 RX 39.71 KiB
eth1 Errors 0
eth1 Dropped 0
lo Information
lo TX 2.92 KiB
lo RX 2.92 KiB
lo Errors 0
lo Dropped 0[/CODE]