IPXE Advanced Menu or Memdisk Problem
Thank you to both of you. Good education. Although using the code copied from Tom with the IP-ADDRESS filled in I have a new problem. the advanced menu doesn’t appear any more. the screen flashes and returns to the standard menu.
Is there a walk through or instructional guide available for the current release on how to set an ISO as a boot-able option? I am guessing not or you would have sent me that way already.
Side note I was playing around with the iso and raw options as you can see where the DellDiag option had it and the VMware one didn’t I was hoping to find the magic combination but was unsuccessful.
let’s try this again
set boot-url http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}
item --gap – City of Lewiston - Imaging and Diagnostics
item VMware VMware - Live
item DellDiag Dell Diagnostics
item hostinfo Host Informaton (Your Machine Info)
choose target && goto ${target}:VMware
initrd ${boot-url}/service/ipxe/VMware/TinyCORE.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
echo failed to boot
goto MENU:DellDiag
initrd ${boot-url}/service/ipxe/DellDiagnostics/DellDiag-7.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
echo failed to boot
goto MENU:hostinfo
echo This computer : ||
echo MAC address…${net0/mac} ||
echo IP address…${ip} ||
echo Netmask…${netmask} ||
echo Serial…${serial} ||
echo Asset number…${asset} ||
echo Manufacturer…${manufacturer} ||
echo Product…${product} ||
echo BIOS platform…${platform} ||
echo ||
echo press any key to return to Menu ||
goto MENU
[/CODE] -
It Worked! Your Awesome.
[CODE]set boot-url http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}
menu City of Lewiston - Imaging and Diagnosticsitem VMware VMware - Live
item DellDiag Dell Diagnostics
item hostinfo Host Informaton (Your Machine Info)
choose target && goto ${target}:VMware
initrd ${boot-url}/ISO/VMware/TinyCORE.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
echo failed to boot
goto MENU:DellDiag
initrd ${boot-url}/ISO/DellDiagnostics/DellDiag-7.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
echo failed to boot
goto MENU:hostinfo
echo This computer : ||
echo MAC address…${net0/mac} ||
echo IP address…${ip} ||
echo Netmask…${netmask} ||
echo Serial…${serial} ||
echo Asset number…${asset} ||
echo Manufacturer…${manufacturer} ||
echo Product…${product} ||
echo BIOS platform…${platform} ||
echo press any key to return to Menu
MENU[/CODE]This worked nicely! I had to change the last MENU prompt from your code. For some reason it would through up a bunch of “stuff” (for lack of my current knowledge or caring as to what it was talking about) and would restart. Once I changed it the screen would refresh after the prompt to the menu. Before after the prompt it would do the restart thing.
I also changed the main folder for the ISO images to one I noticed you used from your other posts. Made more sense and was easier. I wonder what memdisk file it is pulling up with the chain command compared to the original one where I specified the path.
Well I spoke to soon-ish. I can get TinyCore to boot but the GUI for it never loads it just boots into a terminal. on the same note the other items I have set to boot which all have the same settings just flash the menu screen back up. They don’t want to actually boot.
well, now that you have a basic idea how the ipxe menu system works, i suggest going over to ipxe.org to get more information about your specific boot needs
I have the same issue with the Advanced Menu. If i choose the Advanced Menu it just flashes, the screen turns blue and has the default menu back on the screen. I had this working in version 1.0.1 and had to update to the latest 1.1.0 trunk to get my snapins to work. Not sure where to go from here. Any ideas?
here is my code…
item --gap – ---------------- iPXE boot menu ----------------
item WIN7PE64BIT Win7 64bit Recovery Console
item WIN7PE32BIT Win7 32bit Recovery Console
item BOOTCD Hirens BootCD
item shell ipxe shell
item return return to previous menu
choose --default WIN7PE64BIT --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}:WIN7PE64BIT
initrd [url]http://${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-64bit/7rd64.iso[/url]
chain [url]http://${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-64bit/memdisk[/url] iso raw
initrd [url]http://${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-32bit/7rd32.iso[/url]
chain memdisk iso raw ||
initrd [url]http://${boot-url}/MenuItems/bootcd/bootcd14.iso[/url]
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU:ipxedemo
chain [url]http://boot.ipxe.org/demo/boot.php[/url] ||
goto MENU:shell
shell ||
goto MENU:return
chain [url]http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac}[/url] ||
goto MENUautoboot
the ${boot-url} parameter already sets the http part of the url. So try this below:
item --gap – ---------------- iPXE boot menu ----------------
item WIN7PE64BIT Win7 64bit Recovery Console
item WIN7PE32BIT Win7 32bit Recovery Console
item BOOTCD Hirens BootCD
item shell ipxe shell
item return return to previous menu
choose --default WIN7PE64BIT --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}:WIN7PE64BIT
initrd ${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-64bit/7rd64.iso
chain ${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-64bit/memdisk iso raw
initrd ${boot-url}/MenuItems/Win7-32bit/7rd32.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
initrd ${boot-url}/MenuItems/bootcd/bootcd14.iso
chain memdisk iso raw ||
goto MENU:ipxedemo
chain http://boot.ipxe.org/demo/boot.php ||
goto MENU:shell
shell ||
goto MENU:return
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} ||
goto MENUautoboot[/code]
Yeah, it fails loading the console picture.
This is now fixed in SVN. Please update and sorry about that.
That worked!!! Thanks a ton!
Is there anyway to add the password option to these advanced items like in version .32?
Andy Morris -
Yes, and no.
The password “options” are no longer using md5pass as they once where.
The easiest method would be to add login prompts.
I don’t know much more about all the details you’d need though.
Just wanted to protect the items like it did in .32. I will take a look.
That works!! Thanks again.
I’m still experiencing Advanced Menu selection issue mentioned by Danny and Andy. Screen flickers and default menu appears with blue background.
Tested with svn 1783 and 1799
I will update the subversion again now to see if there is any difference.
I’ve been using Junkhackers sample code from [URL=‘http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/fog-0-33b-edit-pxe-menu.10403/#post-26419’]this post[/URL]
item --gap – ---------------- iPXE boot menu ----------------
item ipxedemo ipxe online boot demo
item shell ipxe shell
item return return to previous menu
choose --default return --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}:ipxedemo
chain [url]http://boot.ipxe.org/demo/boot.php[/url] ||
goto MENU:shell
shell ||
goto MENU:return
chain [url]http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac}[/url] ||
goto MENUautoboot[/FONT]
check for typo’s and/or hidden symbols from copying and pasting. ipxe is very picky
[url]http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php/Advanced_Boot_Menu_Configuration_options[/url] -
Hmm… I’ve tried clearing the field and retyping from scratch and still the same issue persists.
I also tried just typing basic commands in the field:
[CODE]echo hello world[/CODE]
[CODE]shell[/CODE]I even tried to change the background to something obvious…
[CODE]cpair --foreground 3 --background 6 0[/CODE]No matter what I put in the Advance Menu Code field the result is still a blue background with the default menu list
As expected if I leave the field blank the Advance Menu option is not listed on the default menu. Same result with svn 1801. Perhaps I will roll up my sleeves and dig into /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/advanced.php
Appreciate any guidance.
[quote=“Eli Kelly, post: 29865, member: 1152”]Hmm… I’ve tried clearing the field and retyping from scratch and still the same issue persists.
I also tried just typing basic commands in the field:
[CODE]echo hello world[/CODE]
[CODE]shell[/CODE]I even tried to change the background to something obvious…
[CODE]cpair --foreground 3 --background 6 0[/CODE]No matter what I put in the Advance Menu Code field the result is still a blue background with the default menu list
As expected if I leave the field blank the Advance Menu option is not listed on the default menu. Same result with svn 1801. Perhaps I will roll up my sleeves and dig into /var/www/html/fog/service/ipxe/advanced.php
Appreciate any guidance.
I’d start here:
item --gap – ---------------- iPXE boot menu ----------------
item ipxedemo ipxe online boot demo
item shell ipxe shell
item return return to previous menu
choose --default return --timeout 5000 target && goto ${target}:ipxedemo
chain http://boot.ipxe.org/demo/boot.php ||
goto MENU:shell
shell ||
goto MENU:return
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} ||
goto MENUautoboot
[/code]Remove the prompt because it doesn’t know how to interpret the prompt itself is what I’m guessing. Maybe you wanted:
chain http://${fog-ip}/${fog-webroot}/service/ipxe/boot.php?mac=${net0/mac} || prompt && goto MENU
[/code]The || and a new line just tells iPXE to if it fails, do nothing successfully, which it’s doing, but it doesn’t know how to pass back. It could also be the :MENU setting, but that shouldn’t matter too much.