Can't send inventory.. PLS HLP
I found in the /var/www/fog/commons/config.php the MYSQL_Host was set to “localhost”. I changed the “localhost” to the IP address of the server and rebooting. I just want to confirm that is the correct change for the MYSQL_Host variable.Thanks
It should be correct, but did you verify the database name, username, and password fields were all correct?
After I changed the MYSQL_Host variable to the IP address it now when I try to PXE boot times out at the TFTP portion of the PXE boot… It pulls but doesn’t go past that stage.
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then change the host part back to localhost for both the /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php and the /var/www/fog/commons/config.php
I changed it back and now it is still crapping out on the TFTP… The database name and password are correct… Can you post an image of what both of those files should look like so I have something to compare it to…
I really can’t.
However, try running service tftp-hpa stop; service tftp-hpa start
Now I am getting an unrecognized service.
I don’t know your system. I don’t know your particular setup.
Unrecognized service means something is not being typed properly.
What ever the commands where that restarted your tftp services yesterday should be the same today, unless somebody uninstalled that program.
To find the service, open a terminal and perform:
sudo ls /etc/init.d
Look for a the files called tftp. I think it may be tftpd-hpa
so maybe try:
sudo service tftpd-hpa restart.
I was able to restart the service. It went back to doing the same original issue. So I changed the files again, restarted the server, restarted the services, with changed files and still will not register the host.
This is not working out to well.
Since this is a blank server with no data on it yet have you entertained the idea of re-naming the installation directory and re-installing the server again?
I blew my server away and re-configured it about 5 times before I found the method that worked with my hardware.
I have done this twice… Thinking it is a configuration issue or I missed something during the setup. I am new to both Fog and Ubuntu. Both times I have blown away the system and the fog… First time I was able to get an inventory of the same machine, but it wouldn’t pull the image… This time I can’t even get it to do the inventory.
Ok… After some assistance from Jaymes I am now able to do an inventory, however when it tries to uploade the image it says can’t find image store.
I have completely rebuilt the Ubuntu and the Fog server. So I am getting closer to uploading an image…
Pls Advise
Thanks in advance.
Did you first create an image in the Web GUI before trying to upload the image?
The task won’t be created if the GUI doesn’t have the information to store it to.
Is the portmap service and nfs-kernel-server service running?
Also, is your images folder the one FOG creates during installation or did you create it yourself?
If you created it yourself, lets just say at /data/somewhereelse/images, make sure you add that to the storage group. If it’s within the same server, you’ll probably need to edit the /etc/exports file to serve the NFS share to the new location rather than, /image /images/dev
Also, if you created the directory for images yourself, make sure you have the .mntcheck files within. All you have to do is run:
[code]touch /images/.mntcheck; touch /images/dev/.mntcheck[/code]
[b]Change the /images part to match your file structure[/b]Then run:
[code]chmod -R 777 /images[/code]
[b]Again…change the /images part to match your file structure[/b]I don’t know how else to help.
Ok… Just wanted to give an update… After a lot of changes and troubleshooting and much much thanks to Jaymes and Tom… I am finally able to upload my first image. Fingers crossed I am at 17% upload… Next will be the deploy.
I’m glad that this is finally working, but at a loss as to what you did to fix the problem. Could you maybe post, as detailed as you can, what you did to troubleshoot and fix this issue so others that may run into this can find this thread?
I will post a detailed report once I actually complete both processes. I have completed my image upload and as soon as it says upload complete, I get an “Unable to find a valid task id based on client mac address and it just keeps scrolling.” Is this normal? I am going to try to deploy this image if that is normal
You’re still using 0.32?
What I would recommend is, from the GUI, delete the host. Then from the client, perform a full registration. Once the registration is complete, you can assign the image from the GUI to the client and retry the upload process. Just my recommendation.
We re-installed the server from the ground up using Ubuntu 12.10 as a base.
Then we started at it again.
He actually figured out the last bits on his own before I got back to my station (damn) but I’m glad he solved it