Failed to connect to database server, will try again in next iteration.
[quote=“darthanubis, post: 5407, member: 1659”][CODE] tail -10 /opt/fog/log/fogreplicator.log
[08-02-12 4:35:11 pm] [08-02-12 4:35:11 pm] Failed to connect to database server, will try again in next iteration.
[08-02-12 4:35:26 pm] * Starting FOG Image Replicator Service
[08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] * [08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] Checking for new tasks every 600 seconds.
[08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] * [08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] Starting service loop.
[08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] [08-02-12 4:35:31 pm] Failed to connect to database server, will try again in next iteration.
[08-02-12 4:37:57 pm] * Starting FOG Image Replicator Service
[08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] * [08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] Checking for new tasks every 600 seconds.
[08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] * [08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] Starting service loop.
[08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] * [08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] Checking if I am the group manager.
[08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] * [08-02-12 4:38:02 pm] I don’t appear to be the group manager, I will check back later.[/CODE]It worked!
Just the contents of these files which contain usernames and passwords are starting to all look alike.[/quote]
Am I to be worried about these group manager notices/errors?
no. only matters when you add storage nodes.
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 5413, member: 18”]no. only matters when you add storage nodes.[/quote]
I’ve already added one storage node already. -
If you have a storage node in the same storage group, AND you have it configured properly, then the FOGImageReplicator service on the main server will push the image files to the storage nodes via ftp.
there is a great storage nodes document on the wiki.
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 5415, member: 18”]If you have a storage node in the same storage group, AND you have it configured properly, then the FOGImageReplicator service on the main server will push the image files to the storage nodes via ftp.
there is a great storage nodes document on the wiki.[/quote]
So,I don’t have to make the added storage node master for the main server to make the push? Because that is what I did, since the added storage node has more disk space.
If you make the other storage node master, it replicates the contents of its /images to all other storage nodes in the group, including the main FOG server. This is dangerous because if you do it wrong, you will overwrite all your images with nothing, basically wiping out the images.
If you add another storage node, wait for the images to replicate to it, then change it to master. You will probably need to adjust the my.cnf file on the main FOG server to allow connections from remote hosts, and you have to provide the storage node with the proper password for connecting back to the MySQL database on the main FOG server.
On the storage nodes, edit the /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php file. The username is almost always “fogstorage” and the password is almost always “fs####” where #### is some random number. The password is available in the FOG WebUI under Other Information, FOG Settings, FOG Storage Nodes.
[quote=“chad-bisd, post: 5420, member: 18”]If you make the other storage node master, it replicates the contents of its /images to all other storage nodes in the group, including the main FOG server. This is dangerous because if you do it wrong, you will overwrite all your images with nothing, basically wiping out the images.
If you add another storage node, wait for the images to replicate to it, then change it to master. You will probably need to adjust the my.cnf file on the main FOG server to allow connections from remote hosts, and you have to provide the storage node with the proper password for connecting back to the MySQL database on the main FOG server.
On the storage nodes, edit the /opt/fog/service/etc/config.php file. The username is almost always “fogstorage” and the password is almost always “fs####” where #### is some random number. The password is available in the FOG WebUI under Other Information, FOG Settings, FOG Storage Nodes.[/quote]
Yeah, I got all of that from the wiki. I don’t remember the my.cnf editing though.
On some distributions, mysql will not allow connections from anything but localhost/ because the Binding Address is set to or localhost.
There was a note about it under the installation section of the FOG User Guide, but I am in the process of moving it to a template file to transclude into the relevant articles. Look at the ubuntu 10.04 install article, near the bottom. gives instructions on mysql configuration.
The issue that fixed is stupid. In file:
/opt/fog/service/etc/config.php make sure you specify under
[CODE]define( “MYSQL_HOST”, “localhost” );
NOT an IP address but rather localhost. If you specify IP even if it is the correct IP address the replication service will fail to connect to DB… Go figure -
[quote=“mpmackenna, post: 893, member: 373”]
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333]I have the below error over and over again in my FOG log viewer. I checked to see if my /var/www/fog/commons/config.php file had the correct settings and it does. I also was able to log in to the mysql db on the fog box without trouble. The db is on the same local machine as the FOG installation. Can someone please tell me how I can further troubleshoot this error?[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333]I am running FOG 0.32 on Debian 5.[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333][01-30-12 1:12:13 pm] Failed to connect to database server, will try again in next iteration.[/COLOR][/LEFT]
[LEFT][COLOR=#333333][01-30-12 1:12:23 pm] Failed to connect to database server, will try again in next iteration.[/COLOR][/LEFT]
My problems with task hanging and getting [COLOR=#333333]“Failed to connect to database server” messages, [/COLOR]were solved by changing “WOL_INTERFACE”, “eth0” from 0 to “eth1” in both config files