Mulitple drives/storage
I have 4 external drives I can switch out via a USB connector.
I would like to use them as a storage for my images. For example:
1st for week 1 images
2nd for week 2 images
3rd for week 3 images
4th for week 4 images
I would like to attach an external drive and have that week’s images saved to the drive. -
These are notes from Chuck Syperski’s video at [media=youtube]69gJvHjTKNQ[/media]
add new hard drive for storage
find out device name
[CODE]#sudo dmesg[/CODE]
[CODE]#sudo fdisk -l[/CODE]partition disk my on /dev/sdb
[CODE] #sudo fdisk /dev/sdb
format filesystem
[CODE]#sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1[/CODE]
move /images to /imagesOld
[CODE] #sudo mv /images/ /imagesOld[/CODE]
make new /images directory
[CODE] #sudo mkdir /images[/CODE]
mount new harddirve /dev/sdb1 to /images
[CODE] #sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /images[/CODE]
copy files to new harddrive
[CODE] #sudo rsync -av = =progress /imagesOld/ /images[/CODE]
change permissions
[CODE] #sudo chmod -R 777 /images[/CODE]
auto mount the new hard drive use UUID
[CODE] #sudo blkid[/CODE]
[CODE] #sudo vlm /etc/fstab[/CODE]
UUID=<UUID_of_you_nw_partition> /images ext4 errors=remount=ro 0 1
rebootI’m just journaling this now as I dont have access to my server just yet. I’m not 100% certain every thing is correct