FOG dislikes 4-ports NIC card !!!
I encounter this problem on two different PC brand (DELL and Lenovo) which have a additional 4 ports NIC card.
If I remove the NIC card everything is working well.
As soon as I add the NIC card FOG is trying to link-up
net 0,
net 1,
net 2,
net 3
and finally net4 and arrives in the FOG page with “Host is not registered” (but it was already registered without the 4 ports NIC card).
If I perform a “Quick Registration and Inventory” it works and says that the host is already registered but after re-booting it happens the same…
Is someone already encounters the same problem ? …and found a solution ?
S. -
In replacing net 0 by net4 in “param mac0 ${net0/mac}” Fog is not bugging.
But I don’t find how to inhibit the linking-up of net0, net1, net2 and net3 to directly link-up to net4…#!ipxe
cpuid --ext 29 && set arch x86_64 || set arch ${buildarch}
param mac0 ${net0/mac}
param arch ${arch}
param platform ${platform}
param product ${product}
param manufacturer ${product}
param ipxever ${version}
param filename ${filename}
param sysuuid ${uuid}
isset ${net1/mac} && param mac1 ${net1/mac} || goto bootme
isset ${net2/mac} && param mac2 ${net2/mac} || goto bootme