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also is there an easy way to switch eth0 with eth1? i need it on 1 and not 0
There is not an easy way that i’m aware of. But in the web settings(FOG_WOL_INTERFACE, FOG_UDPCAST_INTERFACE, FOG_NFS_ETH_MONITOR) and in the two config files switch all the eth0’s with eth1’s. And restart the FOGMulticastManager and FOGScheduler.
There may be more you need ot edit for each of the services if they are configured to listen on only one interface.
I havn’t tried this but perhaps editing “/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules” and swapping the eth0 and eth1 for the devices, then rebooting would swap which one is which. This may break other things that are depending on specific interfaces though(other services/uses for the server).