Image process stops almost instantly after starting
I’ve used FOG for over 5 years now and feel I am quite adept in its function as well as troubleshooting issues with it. I however was brought down recently with an issue I can’t quite figure out. I am trying to download an image to some old Gateway Profile 6 machines and the image download process stops before it even hits 1% completed, usually around the 90meg mark. Same thing happens with Dell 390s and Dell 780s. I reuploaded the image and it goes fine. Just the download process fails. This is driving me nuts as everything seems to work except the most important part, downloading images to new workstations.
I replaced the fog server which was a Dell 780 with a Dell 390. I’m running Ubuntu 12.04 with FOG .32. I have the same machine and versions on my other FOG server (I inherited a new school site to manage. My other school site works perfectly.).
Has anyone had this issue before or know of a possible fix? I’ve used different kernels but at my other site that works fine, the kernel that came with .32 works just fine. I’m at the limit of my frustration level and really need help. I’ll do my best to reply fast, but I’m quite busy getting this new school into proper working order.