Unable to deploy Snapins - Stuck in Que
@Tom-Elliott Pardon my ignorance, but how would I go about doing that?
Nevermind, I figured it out… I think.
@tyler2017 So you might add a filter for a0:1d:48:b0:29:cc.
@Tom-Elliott How would I go about that? I’m not familiar at all with MySQL.
@Tom-Elliott I have been unable to find a way to add a filter or troubleshoot any further. Is there something else I can try? I was really hoping to get snapins to work, it will help me out a ton. Oddly enough, a printer will deploy, but only after the host restarts. Is there any kind of repair I can run on the database?
Thanks for all your help so far Tom. You guys are awesome!
@tyler2017 FOG Configuration Page->FOG Settings->FOG Client - Host Register->FOG_QUICKREG_PENDING_MAC_FILTER
Add the MAC address there. Save. Try again.
@Tom-Elliott I tried adding the mac you suggested, but it had no effect. Tried the other one, and everything lit up. Everything looks good now. Successfully deployed a snapin.
Thanks for the help Tom!
@tyler2017 Thanks for responding as I don’t know what mac is what, I just took a guess and it was wrong. Thanks for trying the other and glad it helped.