Kernal update issue
Did that…still says password is incorrect. I left the fog login as default…fog/password.
@Tom-Elliott Type: 2, File: /var/www/fog/lib/fog/fogftp.class.php, Line: 463, Message: ftp_login(): Login incorrect., Host:, Username: fog
@cjesso This is NOT the GUI username and password. This user and password can typically be found under Storage Management->Relevant Storage Node->Management Username/Password.
@Tom-Elliott yes i looked there…the password looks to be about 100 characters long. I changed it so that is was the same as the TFTP username/password. Same error.
@cjesso why do you keep changing things?
The Password being changed there will not FIX anything.
Your TFTP Password should’ve matched what was set on the Storage Node, not the other way around.
@Tom-Elliott i didn’t change anything after install the FOG server. I left it as default. Should i still have to change anything? I installed the fog server, and it said i didnt have the latest update, so i tried the kernal update. This is when i get the error message. maybe i don’t need to worry about the kernal update? There is so many convoluted walkthroughs on this, and none pertain to the newer versions, so there are settings that are not there, paths that don’t exist. What version of UBUNTU and FOG server do you recommend?
I’m confused.
Updating the Kernel will not update your version of FOG.
@Tom-Elliott I understand that…you are telling me passwords should match but not to change anything. I didnt change anything from the default settings, therefore i assume that i should be able to download the latest kernal update. if i don’t need to do that, then i will skip and move on to the next issue
@cjesso But you said you did make changes. So now we have to fix those.
@Tom-Elliott haha sigh ok…i only changed it cause you said to make sure they matched. maybe i misunderstood.
I want to be able to deploy windows 10 images to multiple PCs. What version of Ubuntu should i use (version # and desktop or server) and what version of FOG should i use. I will wipe it all and start fresh
@cjesso There’s no need to wipe and start fresh.
Ubuntu is fine. Fog 1.4.2 would be what I would recommend.
We can still fix the password change problem.
Open a terminal.
open the file
Look for
the password there is your TFTP and Storage Node Management Password.This account is the
user from the Linux machine. -
@Tom-Elliott well i downloaded 1.4.2, but it tells me i don’t have the latest version. If i open file explorer and go to that location, there is no .fogsettings file. Are those files hidden?
@cjesso any
started files in linux are considered “hidden” yes.What file did you download? The one from sourceforge? This has since been updated. Unfortunately github is currently having issues so I can’t update its file until later on.
@Tom-Elliott yes… as for a password, it shows
mod hidden for safety
. is this encrypted? and should i just change it there? is the default password? -
@cjesso This is the password yoru linux fog user is set to. It’s not encrypted.
Copy and paste where needed.
I’m modding so your stuff is not exposed. -
@Tom-Elliott k so that worked. I’m not sure why it didnt work in the first place, as i didnt change any passwords. Shall i created a new thread for my other issue(s)?
@cjesso Yes please.