No valid data after upgrading to 1.35 v10
I had previous 1.34 loaded and was having issues with partitions not working so updated to 1.35 v 10 and seems to play better with some of my Windows 10 images but after update I have issues with Windows 7 images saying no valid data at end and can not deploy an image. Windows 7 images were working in 1.34. Suggestions? See below on what I am talking about. Thanks
When were the images uploaded?
For clarity that field is not indicative of availability
They were uploaded on a previous server and imported in. Imported right when I went to 1.3 and has worked all way up to 1.34. The images are still on server wondering if it is permissions. Just says no valid data on those so that is what I am trying to figure out.
@bmick10 that is a relatively new field and only states the most recent upload time.
Ok I will take a look more on my side. I have a couple other thoughts on maybe a naming issue that I may have changed. On a side note is there trouble with partitioning recently with new versions. Never had any issues until windows 10 but seems to not partition or play well for a few different reasons. Did some reading and sounds like you guys are working on? Just trying to confirm or maybe just on my end. Thanks
I get this with the windows 7 ones. Attached is pic of error if that helps. Thanks -
@bmick10 yes. I’ve been working pretty hard on the units lately I’ll try to figure this out tonight.