Include DOS based applications into the PXE boot menu
The .vfd is 2.81mb
Here is the code I am using.
LABEL Ghost HP client
kernel fog/ghost/hp/memdisk
append iso initrd=fog/ghost/hp/hp.vfd raw
MENU Label Ghost client with HP nic
Ghost client with NIC drivers for HP
Change the “iso” after append to “floppy”, that might fix it.
I tried changing the iso to floppy. I should explain I’m testing this in a virtual environment. my virtual client booted but I go the following screen followed by the following error. I’m not sure if this would be different on a physical machine or not. Do you think it is just because it is a virtual machine?
[url] - error.jpg[/url]Regards
*but I got the following
[quote=“Rob Wood, post: 3208, member: 1025”]I should explain I’m testing this in a virtual environment. my virtual client booted but I go the following screen followed by the following error. I’m not sure if this would be different on a physical machine or not. Do you think it is just because it is a virtual machine?
[/quote]Let me make sure I’m clear on this, is your FOG server virtualized? Or is the client you’re using to test the PXE booting virtualized?
Both are virtualized, I’m testing it before I let it loose live on the domain.
I’m assuming the 2nd error happens on the client youre using to test PXE booting, which might make sense. I would probably venture a guess that the Client being virutalized is the reason for that error. You’re essentially switching to a DOS/Floppy based environment and the virtual machine may be getting confused. That’s only my guess though and not very educated either as I never really worked in a dual virutalized environment (our FOG servers are bare metal and I would occasionally use a virtual machine to test PXE menu stuff).
I would recommend trying to boot to your fog server from a bare metal client and seeing how it reacts if you have the luxury.
Just curious, from the menu options, are you trying to make a UNDI symantec ghost client to boot in fog?
Aye I had a feeling at the back of my mind that it might be because it is a virtual machine when I saw that error. I will try and find an old physical machine and give it ago. I will let you know what I find.
At the moment I’m just trying to get one of our current .vfd files working. Since beginning this post I have been told about UNDI, so that will be my next project. Hopefully it will just be a case of taking out of the NIC specific .dos file and use the UNDI .dos file instead. But I’m sure it can’t be that easy.
If you would like me to, I think I still have a undi universal boot CD ISO for ghost that I could send. I think its all scripted, but you could extract the auto execs and edit them as necessary.
I just created a .vfd file the same way I would make one with the NIC specific .dos file but using the UNDI .dos file and added it to our current Symantec PXE server. I have tested four different machines that I know use four different NIC drivers, all four booted into ghost and I was able to connect to a session. So it was as easy as what I hoped, I guess there could be some NIC’s it might not support but everything I have tested seems to work so far.
But thank you for your offer.