NICs are different after cloning
After cloning a PC - in my case with 3 NICs - the NICs are renamed on the clones, only the master keeps the original name (eth0, eth1, eth2) the clones do have unpredictable names like eth11, eth13, etc…
This is because of a udev configuration.
I worked around that problem with a script I wrote (see below).
Thus I have a file in (/etc/rwh_nicreconfigured.txt) which must not be there before uploading the image - so if i forget to delete it, I have to make a new upload.
This reconfiguration works for at about 20 PCs out of 22.
2-3 of them will be wrong afterwards.Can someone come up with a better idea?
The cloned OS is OpenSuSE 12.1 but it happens to Ubuntu tooThanks a lot!
OS: OpenSuSE 12.1
Script stellt hardware der Netzwerkkarten neu ein
echo “New NIC Recognition…”
logger “New NIC recognition initialized”if [ -e /etc/rwh_nicreconfigured.txt ] ; then
echo “NIC config is up to date - nothing changed”
logger “NIC config UNCHANGED!!”
firm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
for i inip add|grep ether|sed -e 's/ \+/ /g'|sed -e 's/^ //g'|cut -d ' ' -f 2
; do
echo $i
echo “SUBSYSTEM==“net”, ACTION==“add”, DRIVERS==”?“, ATTR{address}==”$i", ATTR{dev_id}==“0x0”, ATTR{type}==“1”, KERNEL=="eth", NAME=“eth$card”" >> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
(( card=$card+1 ))
echo “Network Reconfigured” > /etc/rwh_nicreconfigured.txt
chmod a+r /etc/rwh_nicreconfigured.txt
echo “NICs reconfigured - reboot required”
logger “NICs reconfigured - reboot required”sync
reboot -f
[/CODE] -
I usually just put a ‘#’ infront of the lines listing the NICs in ‘/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules’
So on the next boot he detects the NIC as new. -
Ok, Thanks! I will give it a try!