DHCP: Two leases per client
We have about 100 clients in our subnet and realized that each of the clients uses two dhcp leases.
The first one it is identified only by the mac adress requested by the pxe client,
the second one is from windows and contains the mac and an uid.There are two fixes for that chase:
1: in the dhcpd.conf: deny duplicates
2: a “one-lease-per-mac” patch for the dhcp server which needs to be applied to the source and then recompiledAnyone realized the same behavour and found a working solution?
We fixed this by adding the following to our dhcpd.conf
[CODE]class “pxeclients”{
match if ((substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = “PXEClient”) or (substring(opti
filename “pxelinux.0”;
max-lease-time 120;