Unable to register host
I did an IP address change recently and most everything seems to be working smoothly. If I have a machine in my FOG hosts list, I can push an image out, and snapins too. However, when I attempt to register a new host, I get an error:
[QUOTE]Starting host registration…
Unable to register host for the following reasons:[/QUOTE]
But no reasons are given.
So now I’m in debug mode looking at client information and all I’ve noticed that’s out of whack is the DNS server debug mode is using is my old DNS server, .31 but my current/new DNS server is at .14. I changed the setting in the FOG webUI and its still saved as the new correct IP when I log into the webUI.
I’ve tried restarting the networking service as well as rebooting the server itself to no avail.
Any ideas why FOG might be using the old DNS server rather than the new one? And if that’s what’s causing my host registration process to fail?
Will update here when anything further develops. -
There are several places that you can check in order to make sure that your new hosts are communicating with the right FOG server IP address specified on /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default
default is a config file which contains all the parameters you will see on your screen right after you boot via PXE. just go to your Terminal and type: sudo vi /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default then take a look at the sub menus and make sure you have the right FOG Server IP address. If the IP address is different from what is should be then change it to the correct one. Ensure to change all the sub menus IP address to the right IP, save your changes, exit terminal. then restart your networking by typing: sudo vi /etc/init.d/networking restart. If that was the issues then at this point you should be able to register your host.
If you assume that your DNS is the issue then you can change the DNS IP by going to terminal and type: sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf
just ensure you have the right name servers, restart your network by typing: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart.Hope it helped.
[quote=“Amir, post: 785, member: 335”]There are several places that you can check in order to make sure that your new hosts are communicating with the right FOG server IP address specified on /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default[/quote]
I forgot all about the ip addresses passed in the append lines of the default config file! That did it!
I’m going to add this to the wiki page for [URL=‘http://www.fogproject.org/wiki/index.php?title=Change_FOG_Server_IP_Address’]changing the IP address of a FOG server[/URL].