not possible to sort by status in task management
I have about 20 tasks in the list, where two deploy tasks are long down the list. I want to put them on top and hit the status header to sory by status. This does not function in svn 5519.
@pmonstad this is just like the other thread. Some, maybe all?, of your JavaScript files are not being loaded.
I doubt it as I have tested this on several different computers in all browsers I got. The other columns work fine (Started by, Hostname, Start time, but not Status column.
@pmonstad does status have text on it or icons?
@Tom-Elliott Yes, column is marked as Status and the normal up and down arrows are shown. The column next to it (to the left) is named Start time, the next has no label (but arrows) and the next has label Hostname MAC.
Right, the columns that have no text to sort aren’t sortable. Even though you can hover and see text, the javascript cannot.
@Tom-Elliott The Status column has label text. Do you mean it cannot be sortable because the content in the column contains no text? If this is the case, could there be some text here as it is very useful to have the possibility to sort status as it is useful to see status on running tasks in a long list.
@pmonstad There is no direct text in the column (labels are hidden from view). Adding text isn’t impossible, but I try to stay away from doing so as it takes up space, that is not always easy to keep things aligned. That said, if you want to add text to the field you are more than welcome to it. You can do it by creating a plugin or hook that could handle this for you.
I’ve solved this thread as I’m limited to cell phone. If somebody could move this to a more appropriate area it’d be much appreciated. This issue is not a bug. This is more like a feature request buys it not one in going to add. It’s simple enough sure, but can also be accomplished using a hook and/or plugin.