SVN 5370 Domain Username Bug
@ch3i I’ll give it a bash (no pun intended
Nope, no difference at all
Same output as above
Interestingly it there appears to be no attempts on logging onto the domain in the NetSetup.log file since I fixed the cert issue. Could it be getting stuck on the Product Key or something else?
I am still not understanding the problem.
The ad information presented is displayed as it’s stored on the host.
So why not just update the host?
@Tom-Elliott I’m not sure I understand. What exactly are you asking for me to update?
Update the values as present on the HOST, not the Global settings.
@Tom-Elliott Gotcha. Will try now.
Brilliant. That appears to have worked!
is there then an issue with the global setting AD values? Entering each host information is fine for one or two hosts but it will be problematic for several or more?
@shird If you updated the global, then whatever entries are in that are populated to the host by checking the “Join Domain”.
After the initial save, the value is individualized on the host level.
One or two hosts is simple, but when you have 100’s or 1000’s of hosts, doing this one by one is very very tedious. This is where the Group page shines.
From the List/Search of Host page, you can check the boxes for the host or hosts you want to join to a new or existing group. Once they’re in the group, go to the Group and edit that new group. You can then update all hosts in the group at once, by following (more or less) the same exact steps as you would on an individual host.
The global settings appear to be working now that the sloppy domain pre-fix has been removed and the cert issue was cleared up. It still appears to be a bug that the extra erroneous slashes are added, but if the expected input is wrong then that is fair enough really!
Thanks for the help, much appreciated.