FOG Service - Register no longer working?
[quote=“rhythmtone, post: 29210, member: 57”]Hi,
I’ve searched around and found some information, but is the Host Register function no longer working in FOG 1.0.1?In my environment it has completely failed, stating ‘Unknown Error’ Code: 1355 or something similar (will post if I can replicate the other error code). Not only does it not work at all, but the “Auto Populate” of AD settings to the host from the “FOG Settings” menu isn’t working at all either.
At first I thought, “Okay the settings are not auto populating, that’s not the end of the world, I can just input them into groups as necessary”, but nope, that doesn’t actually make it work, make the hosts register - the AD integration system is broken, I guess…
I guess the place to start would be to actually get it working again, then worry about the auto populating…
Thanks for any advice or help,
D.L.[/quote]The “ad autopop” is “working” and has been a known issue for quite some time. It’s corrected for in SVN. It doesn’t fix it for safari, but I can’t help that, all other browsers it works beautifully.
If you can get the error code specifically, that would be helpful.
Okay, that was the problem with auto populate: the browser.
It doesn’t work in Chrome, which is based on Safari I guess, but you’re right, the auto populate is fine in IE 11.
But that doesn’t actually get it to register, auto join, etc.
From fog log (fog.txt):
6/4/2014 11:46 AM FOG::HostnameChanger Domain Error! (‘Unknown Error’ Code: 2202)
The other error code was (‘Unknown Error’ Code: 1355) although I’m not sure if the pretext was the same. It definitely was HostnameChanger, I just don’t know if it said “Domain Error”…
Joining AD worked perfectly in FOG 0.32 with the same settings, so I must be missing something…
It even works using FOG 1.0.1 as the imaging server, with the FOG service pointing to a 0.32 server containing the AD information, etc.
Ubuntu 14.04 x64 FOG 1.0.1
D.L. -
From the active directory username remove the domain
That did it, thanks Tom! As usual, you’re the best!
Forgive me if I sounded frustrated, I just want to get 1.0.1 in production ASAP, and I’ve hit quite a few bumps (the SQL crashing = the biggest, but I guess that’s a Ubuntu 14.04 issue).
It’s strange because in 0.32, the FQDN had to be there in my old environment: site.district.k12.etc\Username but we did have multiple domains in a forest…
Thanks again for all of your help and work,
D.L. -
The reason 0.32 needed the domain was because when it sent the data, it would only return the username.
This same effect still apply’s in 1.x.x, but because you’re assigning the domain anyway, why don’t I just pass that with the field?
So I made the change to make wrists hurt a little less. I’m sorry it was well documented before hand.
Makes sense, and yeah, better to not have the domain in the username field if possible - reduces typing AND confusion.
I remember in 0.32 I tried District(Domain)\Username and I got mixed results; it seemed to work best with an FQDN\Username
Thanks again!
D.L. -
Hey Tom I am still getting this error in the last updated SVN
HostnameChanger Domain Error! (‘Unknown Error’ Code: 1355)
Format is: domain.local, no OU, username, encrypted password
Any ideas?
Can join machine manually -
Is this occurring with the legacy client or the new client
Seemed to have worked by adding the FQDN\username format.
Looks like it might be legacy… Where do I download the updated client? I cannot seem to find the correct link
You do not need to install the new client, I just wanted to know which one you were having issues with so I could better help troubleshoot it for you.
It sounds like you fixed it though.