TFTP Not Working
I know this topic has been covered before, but none of the other solutions have helped. So here goes.
The situation is that we are in the process of migrating from FOG .32 to version 1.2.0. Due to the amount of changes between versions, we made the decision to perform a fresh install on a different computer. So our new FOG server is running Debian 7.6 and is an Optiplex 780. The program installed fine and I was able to import the hosts and copy over the image files.
However PXE boot does not work. The clients connect to the DHCP server (which is the same as the FOG server for testing purposes) and receive an address. The word “TFTP” comes up and then the PXE boot agent exits. The FOG menu does not appear. Tftp from within Windows fails with a “Timeout Connect Request Failed” error. However it does work on the server
We’re testing the server on an isolated network consisting of three Optiplex 780s (one of which is the server) and an unmanaged Netgear Pro-Safe 8 port switch. The FOG server is setup to provide DHCP although I did not install isc-dhcp using the FOG installer, but did so separately. You see the first time I tried to install DHCP, I reran the FOG installer and then apache wouldn’t start. Rather than troubleshooting, I simply restored from a backup.
I have taken the following steps to troubleshoot:
[]Changed the permission of the /tftpboot directory to 755 and then 777. The ownership is fog:root
[]Added filename “undionly.kpxe” to the DHCP config file.
[]Restarted both tftpd-hpa and isc-dhcp-server.
[]The server does not have a firewall, although I checked and iptables is not running
[*]I could not find SELinux and so assume it is either not running or not installed
My only guess is the DHCP config file is wrong. As I said before I installed isc-dhcp separately and also setup the config file myself. It is attached as is a short packet capture session made with WireShark. Any help would be much appreciated.[url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1314_fog_test.pcapng.txt?:”]fog_test.pcapng.txt[/url][url=“/_imported_xf_attachments/1/1315_dhcpd.conf.txt?:”]dhcpd.conf.txt[/url]
Nevermind. I forgot to add next-server to the config file. The clients now PXE boot fine.