Broken web GUI
I have been using for fairly successfully for a few weeks now until today. I was changing a setting to image some new machines and when I clicked to save the settings I was greeted with a blank page. Hitting the back button took me back but the settings I changed were not saved. This is happening with every page that has a setting that can be changed and saved. I restarted the fog server for good measure but it didn’t change anything.
What is broken? Can it be fixed without a reinstall?
I am using version 2203. -
Can you provide apache error logs when you get the blank page?
Here you go. The errors are toward the bottom, but there are plenty all through out.
First, as you’re on SVN, can you upgrade to 2426? 2203 is rather old now.
Second, it looks like you need to instal php-mcrypt on your system possibly?
Have any instructions on how to upgrade the SVN? I’m not super familiar with linux, I don’t know if I just run the same command if it will upgrade or will I lose anything?
No idea on php-mcrypt, I loaded from the SVN originally and it did whatever it was it needed to do. -
To upgrade your svn, cd into the “trunk” folder you downloaded before.
When in there, type:
[code]svn up[/code]Wait for the update to complete and:
[code]cd bin
./[/code]It should be that simple.
As far as installing php-mcrypt, try:
[code]sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt[/code] -
That seems to have fixed the GUI. Thanks!
Only problems I see now is that under the active directory settings when I put in the encrypted password and tell it to save. After saving the settings the encrypted password changes to a much larger string that does not resemble what I entered.