FOG and NIC bonding questions
Hi Everyone,
First, many, MANY thanks (I’m not shouting in anger, just expressing my sincere appreciation) to everyone who helped bring FOG to reality, especially those who have worked hard to make it Windows 8 friendly. I have used FOG now since 2008, and 1.2.0 has been awesome in helping me handle my Windows 8 deployments!
As to my question… I use FOG on an isolated network, just for imaging. I run Ubuntu Server OS and use FOG for DHCP to dole out IP addresses to 15 client machines. The image that I push down to these machines is roughly 37 GB in size. It takes about 35 – 40 minutes to push down the image to all clients (Dell Optiplex 780s).
I’ve been reading up on NIC bonding and FOG since the server has 2 ethernet interfaces. If I enable NIC bonding on the server, would that improve deployment time? Could I be a little more creative and add a storage node with dual NICs and nic bonding to deploy images along with the main server for a faster deployment?
I would just like to see if there is anything that I can do to improve the deployment time.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Bonding works wonders, but beware your switch has to support it… and unless it’s LACP, you won’t benefit fully.
35 minutes seems a bit long for 37 gigs… <math>37g/35min=1.06 gigs per min</math> yes, that’s quite low. 4-5 gigs per minute with a single gigabit link from the server is pretty standard with multicast. Are you using Multicast? Any other bottlenecks? Decent switch? Unicast to a single client is 4-6 gigs per min?
Thanks [URL=‘’][B]Mentaloid[/B][/URL] for your reply.
No, I am not using Multicast. The last time I used it (with FOG .32), when I went to deploy Multicast, the switch and PCs chocked (it said something ridiculous like 10 hours or so to deploy the image). I don’t know if the switch supports it or not. Unicast to 1 PC does yield much better download speeds, at least 3 GB/min, sometimes more. When you start adding, though, the speed decreases to around 900 KB/min to 1ish GB/min for all 15 PCs being imaged. The switch is a gigabit switch. All 15 nodes are Dell 780s with Gigabit ethernet, and the server also has 2x 1 GB ethernet ports. The server runs Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. (I built the server in early July.)
So, if I try to implement bonding, I take it that it will not help much if the switch doesn’t support it? The reason I ask is that when I looked into this, there were several bond modes and only mode 4 (802.3ad) specifically specified needing support on the switch end.
Thanks again!