Task Management Blank
Ok so I know this has been posted before, but I’ve followed the directions posted here:
[url]http://fogproject.org/forum/threads/cannot-create-tasks-task-manager-blank.3823/#post-9593[/url]But when I do the search and replace it does it for ~200 items rather than ~20. And the Task Manager is still blank underneath the Task Management Logo.
I’m running FOG on ubuntu server 13.04 with FOG v .32 -
The fix for this is to open the file, tasks.confirm.include.php and replace all the instances of &$tmp with $tmp.
I don’t know what command you used to perform this, but if it’s finding 200~ items to replace, chances are there’s a typo in your statement.
You should simply need to enter the command:
[code]sed ‘s:&$tmp:$tmp:’ -i /var/www/fog/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php[/code] and be done. -
[quote=“Tom Elliott, post: 23582, member: 7271”]Alright,
The fix for this is to open the file, tasks.confirm.include.php and replace all the instances of &$tmp with $tmp.
I don’t know what command you used to perform this, but if it’s finding 200~ items to replace, chances are there’s a typo in your statement.
You should simply need to enter the command:
[code]sed ‘s:&$tmp:$tmp:’ -i /var/www/fog/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php[/code] and be done.[/quote]I copy/pasted that exact code and am still ending up with the blank space.
What do the error logs tell you when you go to schedule a task?
So this is the error…
[CODE][Wed Feb 26 15:46:11.688696 2014] [:error] [pid 1894] [client XXXXX] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘$tmp’ (T_VARIABLE) in /var/www/fog/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php on line 752, referer: http://XXX/fog/management/index.php?node=host&sub=edit&tab=tasks&id=2[/CODE]So basically I messed up a command somewhere and it ended up replacing things it shouldn’t have?
sounds like it.
Try redownloading just the file you need:
[code]wget https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freeghost/code/trunk/tags/0.32/packages/web/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php -O /var/www/fog/management/includes/tasks.confirm.include.php[/code]That’s all one line.
Then perform the sed command I gave above and try again.
I’m getting an 404 Not Found on that. Is there another site that it’s on that you know of?
remove trunk from the command line sorry.
Horray! It works perfect.