Fog running great, minor pet peeve, OS icon display
I’ve been running the latest Fog w/o issue. Mainly capturing and deploying Linux with plans to do the same for Windows and maybe even Macs.
And it is working wonderfully. A slight mod was to use a NAS as my FTP and NFS storage locations which is working out fantastically well.
My only issue which is cosmetic, is that my host icons in the admin panel are showing as Windows rather than Linux.
Is this metadata of sorts in the database and can I use phpMyadmin to change it?
Or, better to phrase my question as, is there a way that I can manually change it?
Things like this really bother me.
@aurfalien I suspect that you have the hoststatus plugin enabled then? This isn’t a default feature of fog nor is it well flushed out.
The plugin is handling this and effectively always sets to windows when the ping status code is 0. If the ping status code was 111, it’s linux, but These aren’t arbitrary values. If you know it’s all Linux, then you could adjust the hook:
at around line 96, change the values of “windows” to linux so it would read:
printf($strtoupdate, 'linux', 'linux', 'green', 'Linux');
That said, it’s only good for you as the next update would reset this to what we evaluate it to. There isn’t really a method of knowing for 100% certain its a windows or linux machine, so not really sure how best to approach this.
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Hey there Tom and many thanks for the reply.
I’m curios about something as I didn’t really customize anything other then adding network storage.
In terms of plugins, I do see a section under Fog System Settings > Plugin System but it’s not enabled. So is that what you mean by the hoststatus plugin as being part of that suite?
However I’ll go ahead and edit referenced PHP file.
Does this setting mean that it’s default and if by chance I do include Windows into my Fog imaging, then it could be seen as Windows which i would like?
I did a little cursory reading on my issue and it seems that Fog mistook my Linux boxes to be Windows, although one system that I registered was seen properly as Linux.
I’ve more systems to register and will update this thread.
@aurfalien I’m sorry, I am generally working in working-1.6 and even there I was mistaken.
The file you’re looking for is likely /var/www/fog/lib/fog/host.class.php.
It follows similar rules though the line you’d want changed would be at 2199 I think.
Hopefully this helps?