Windows 7 and Windows XP Image
Hello everybody;
Glad to be here, and to be a FOG server user for about 2 years.I am trying to deploy Windows 7 and Windows XP Image to some of our computers in the campus.
This is the first time i have an image with two OSs.
Uploading the image is always fine, but the problem with the deploy.
I installed Win XP-64x first, then Win 7-64x.
What should I do to deploy the image successfully?Thanks…
If I’m understanding your question properly, you have a Dual-boot system?
One Drive and System has Both Windows XP 64bit and Windows 7?
How are you uploading the image? Are you using Multi-partition Single Disk, Multi-partition All Disks, or RAW?
I’d recommend setting the image type as RAW and reupload the image. Then try deploying the image to another system.
This is only in the case that it’s a dual boot system. I say this, though, because When you use Multi-partition as the type, the imaging process makes a couple of assumptions. It assumes there’s only one OS on the drive and will only create the partition types for that OS type. Windows 7 typically creates a two partition scheme that the First partition is only 100MB and the Second partition starts at about 106,000 kb. Windows XP typically uses only one partition (so if you’re imaging just XP, you usually set the image type as Single Disk resizable) so the MBR won’t work properly. You may even, in the case of dual OS hard drive, need to set the host OS as Other rather than either Windows 7 or Windows XP.
Hello Tim;
Thanks for your response.
Actually, it is a Dual-boot system, 2 drives (plus the 100 M.B for Win 7), Win XP on thedrive, and Win 7 on the
I tried to upload the image in all the different types, I also tried the RAW type.
It is fine with the upload, no issues at all.
Even, I tried all the types on the deploy.
Only when I chose the LINUX option, I could deploy Win XP (I had the Dual-boot system interface, but the MBR for Win 7 is corrupted as it seems).Regards…
Based on this new information, RAW only copies information from one hard-drive. You state you’ve got one hard drive (C:) with Win XP, and another drive (D:) with Win 7.
I’d recommend, if at all possible, make your dual boot system with both OS’s on the same drive and use the Other drive for your programs.
Thanks Tim;
I will give it a try and be back with the result.