Bandwidth Graph Stuck
Hi Guys,
My bandwidth graph seems to be unhappy with life has been this way since 1.5.2, any idea how i can solve it?
I had the same problem. Couple others have as well. Haven’t seen a resolution for it. I have tried installing from scratch 1.5.4 and the graph works fine on a separate test machine. Today I’m going export my images and clients to start from a clean install on primary FOG server. Delete old FOG database and create new one. I’m also on Ubuntu Server 16.04.
Please try hard refreshing your browser. Usually, CTRL+F5 or CTRL+SHIFT+F5.
My summer projects started and I was planning to update our FOG system. Re-install and deleting old FOG database worked. Plus our database got a little sloppy so a purge is always good IMO.