@mjcrane Great! Got it right this time 😄 You are welcome!

Take a look at this script: http://sourceforge.net/p/freeghost/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/src/ipxe/src/ipxescript

This is compiled into the iPXE binary Tom is building for all of you (the original undionly.kpxe you had in /tftpboot sitting). The last line is chainloading default.ipxe from the FOG server. In your case the variable ${next-server} is being set to your ISPs router IP. So I just compiled a new binary and exchanged the varibable with a “hardcoded” - pretty ugly but still working…
If you want to play with this without installing all the building tools you can go to https://rom-o-matic.eu/ (But be warned, getting all the settings right is kind of tricky!)
Just give it a try. There is a lot you can learn about PXE booting by trying out these things.

As I already said there might be a fix in the script that we could add which hopefully should work for others too. @Tom-Elliott What do you think? See in one of my earlier posts. Either that or we just overwrite next-server without checking it being set or not in case proxydhcp is set?!

#!ipxe ... isset ${proxydhcp/next-server} && set next-server ${proxydhcp/next-server} ...