Thanks a lot @rodluz !

I took your script and adapted it. I use it directly on my FOG server, which simplifies things a bit. I also changed the mail to a notification sent to my smartphone with ntfy, which I find easy to use.

I also mounted my NAS share in NFS directly on /mnt/FOGBackups.

Here’s my script:

#!/bin/bash fogServerAddress="172.X.Y.Z" # Change to actual FOG server address backupDate=$(date +"%Y%m%d") backupDir="/mnt/FOGBackups/$backupDate" backupDirImages="/mnt/FOGBackups/images" snapinLocation="/opt/fog/snapins" reportLocation="/var/www/fog/lib/reports" imageLocation="/images" failedBackupDB=0 failedBackupSnapins=0 failedBackupReports=0 failedBackupImages=0 [[ ! -d $backupDir ]] && mkdir -p $backupDir/{mysql,snapins,reports,logs} >/dev/null 2>&1 [[ ! -d $backupDir/mysql || $backupDir/snapins || $backupDir/reports || $backupDir/logs ]] && mkdir -p $backupDir/{mysql,snapins,reports,logs} >/dev/null 2>&1 backupDB() { wget --no-check-certificate --post-data="nojson=1" -O $backupDir/mysql/fog.sql "http://$fogServerAddress/fog/management/export.php?type=sql" 2>>$backupDir/logs/error.log 1>>$backupDir/logs/progress.log 2>&1 stat=$? if [[ ! $stat -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to backup database!" failedBackupDB=1 else echo "Database backed up." fi } backupSnapins() { cp -r $snapinLocation $backupDir/snapins/ 2>>$backupDir/logs/error.log 1>>$backupDir/logs/progress.log 2>&1 stat=$? if [[ ! $stat -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to backup snapins!" failedBackupSnapins=1 else echo "Snapins backed up." fi } backupReports() { cp -r $reportLocation $backupDir/reports/ 2>>$backupDir/logs/error.log 1>>$backupDir/logs/progress.log 2>&1 stat=$? if [[ ! $stat -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to backup reports!" failedBackupReports=1 else echo "Reports backed up." fi } backupImages() { rsync -auv $imageLocation $backupDirImages 2>>$backupDir/logs/error.log 1>>$backupDir/logs/progress.log 2>&1 stat=$? if [[ ! $stat -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Failed to backup images!" failedBackupImages=1 else echo "Images backed up." fi } checkForFailures() { echo "Running checkForFailures()" if [[ $failedBackupDB -eq 1 ]]; then message="$message \nFailed to backup database." fi if [[ $failedBackupSnapins -eq 1 ]]; then message="$message \nFailed to backup snapins." fi if [[ $failedBackupReports -eq 1 ]]; then message="$message \nFailed to backup reports." fi if [[ $failedBackupImages -eq 1 ]]; then message="$message \nFailed to backup images." fi } sendNotif() { echo "Running sendNotif()" if [[ ! -z $message ]]; then { curl -d "FOG Backup Failed\n $message" } else curl -d "FOG Backup Successful!" fi } backupDB backupSnapins backupReports backupImages checkForFailures sendNotif