Last year I had captured an image of a server (Windows 2000 5.00.2195 Service Pack 4) via scheduled task that had completed successfully and had no adverse effect on the client.
A few days ago that server that wouldn’t boot into Windows. POST/BIOS were fine but the OS complained about registry corruption.
I swapped to a new drive and deployed the image through the FOG dashboard via a scheduled task but this caused the server to fail POST. The server would not get past the initial boot message screen.
I confirmed the other hardware components were fine by mounting a (second) new drive and confirming PXE boot into FOG. I tried deploying the image again but ran into the same issue with POST failing.
Later, I used an Acronis image and Acronis TrueImage to restore a drive successfully. I confirmed that this drive was bootable.
I assumed that the image I had taken with FOG was corrupted so I captured a new image with this drive through the FOG dashboard (scheduled task) but after the task completed the drive was no longer bootable. For some reason even capturing an image bricked the hard drive.
Logs on the server don’t seem to capture anything relevant and I haven’t seen any error messages.
Has anyone experienced client drive corruption after running tasks? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.