@Sebastian-Roth thanks to your help we can rename the old hosts, but if we just give the MAC-code of the usb to gigabit adapter he cannot find the host do you know how to solve this problem?
@Sebastian-Roth thanks to your help we can rename the old hosts, but if we just give the MAC-code of the usb to gigabit adapter he cannot find the host do you know how to solve this problem?
@Sebastian-Roth Thank you for your help, it says the host already exists but the problem is we want to install a new image on those he cannot find.
Reagrds Dylan
I have a Problem with FOG, We had computers without network cable acces, in order to fix this problem we tried to adjust the primary Mac-code to the MAC-code of the USB to Gigabit adapter but we didn’t restore the MAC-code properly after image was uploaded. Now we cannot find the hosts anymore if we try to create a new host FOG says the hostname already exist but we cannot find it in the database.
We tried to fix this problem by adjusting the following:
# The following chunk of commands will clean out most problems and are safe:
DELETE FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostID` = '0';
DELETE FROM `hostMAC` WHERE hmID = '0' OR `hmHostID` = '0';
DELETE FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `gmID` = '0' OR `gmHostID` = '0' OR `gmGroupID` = '0';
DELETE FROM `snapinGroupAssoc` WHERE `sgaID` = '0' OR `sgaSnapinID` = '0' OR `sgaStorageGroupID` = '0';
DELETE from `snapinAssoc` WHERE `saID` = '0' OR `saHostID` = '0' OR `saSnapinID` = '0';
DELETE FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hmHostID` FROM `hostMAC` WHERE `hmPrimary` = '1');
DELETE FROM `hosts` WHERE `hostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hmHostID` FROM `hostMAC`);
DELETE FROM `hostMAC` WHERE `hmhostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hostID` FROM `hosts`);
DELETE FROM `snapinAssoc` WHERE `saHostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hostID` FROM `hosts`);
DELETE FROM `groupMembers` WHERE `gmHostID` NOT IN (SELECT `hostID` FROM `hosts`);
DELETE FROM `tasks` WHERE `taskStateID` IN ("1","2","3");
DELETE FROM `snapinTasks` WHERE `stState` in ("1","2","3");
TRUNCATE TABLE multicastSessions;
TRUNCATE TABLE multicastSessionsAssoc;
DELETE FROM tasks WHERE taskTypeId=8;
But still the hosts cannot be founded in the database any help??