ok thank you i will try this
Latest posts made by Bastian
RE: Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
RE: Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
i have apparently find way to fix it that kinda weird cause when i switch in the bios to ahci instead of RST that actualy allow me to correctly boot on pxe and register the cumputer and upload image.but when I do that and I start in a classic way I have blue screens on windows but I can captured the image
RE: Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
ok so i install have install kernel 5.6.18 and still the same issue, i have try some update on widows still doesn’t work,and for the id the computer is on windows and i don’t find something like [xxxx.xxxx]
Nom du pilote : oem132.inf
GUID de classe : {4d36e97b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
Date du pilote : 03/18/2020
Version du pilote :
Fournisseur du pilote : Intel Corporation
Section du pilote : iaStorAC_inst_8.NTamd64
Classement du pilote : 0x800003
Numéro d’identification d’appareil correspondant : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_282A&CC_0104
Pilotes surclassés : iastorav.inf:PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_282A&CC_0104:00FF0003
Appareil mis à jour : false
Appareil parent : ACPI\PNP0A08\0" -
RE: Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
i looking for that quickly thank you -
RE: Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
In my Kernel update the newer i have is 4.19.143 so i installed it, and i don’t use anything like raid controller or something jbob
Cannot find disk on system, fog 1.5.9 ubuntu 20.04
Hello im back on new version this time ubuntu 20.04 desktop and fog 1.5.9
So when i boot on PXE with Asus P1504J and i choice full registration option i have "an error has been detected Cannot find disk on system (getharddisk)
I have hard disk with windows and i can boot on
any idea ?
Bios option [secure boot = off, fast boot = off] maybe i suspect the intel rst ?
RE: Booting pxe problem
ok thank i actually install newer version of ubuntu not 20.04 but 19.10 cause i already have this iso,
i install again and i change the dhcp conf with filename “ipxe.efi” and i give you new later.
RE: Booting pxe problem
I choice this version cause the tutorial i found was on this ubuntu version and on this fog version, it can be a problem ?
for the the bios i already setup network pxe ipv4 in first place
Maybe i should try to reinstall newer versionn of fog on newer version of ubuntu ? if so do u have good tutorial ? with dhcp install ?
Booting pxe problem
Hello evryone excuse me for my english i m not very good,
I have install Fog projet 1.4.4 on Ubuntu server 16.04
I have select classic install with dhcp server
For my test, my network installation is, 1 switch with my personal computer, and my ubuntu server, and test computer, without Wan connection or internet box.
So my problem is i try to connect with 3 different computer the first one (HP LAPTOT without os) can connect on fog server, the second and third (HP and Asus Laptop WITH os this time)
can’t connect the fog server i choice PXE booting in first before hard disk and disable fast boot and secure boot but when they start they boot on PXE and after a few seconds
they just running windows.so my dhcp conf :(server ubuntu with FOG and the dhcp conf work when i boot the computer normaly i receive ip addresse, dns and everything i put in the conf.
default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;
option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name-servers,;
option domain-name “ubuntu-fr.lan”;
option ntp-servers;subnet netmask {
filename “undionly.kpxe”;WEB ADMINISTRTION:
I create new image with (image name, operating system “windows 10”, imgage path “/images/Windows10HP”,image type “single disk resizable”, partition “everything”, image enable and replicate)
after i create new host (Hostname “win10HP”, i put the mac address, host image i select “Windows10HP”, and i save
i update image and i create basic task with capture wake on lan (active in bios) and Schedule instant) wake on lan doesn’t work trying to start the computer
for capture image but aftert a few seconde still booting on windows… any idea ?