@mpatel Hello!
I have been working on a project for remote use at my company too. We have too many sites that are not way connected (Besides remote support software) to Headquarters. We also have sites in over 25+ countries. I don’t know if this will help, I just wanted to share my experience with the same issue. Unfortunately, its 1 FOG server per Site.
- I found getting hardware out to these sites is very expensive and time consuming, so I configured a virtual machine to be deployed to a server at each site with FOG pre-installed. (Each site has the same network setup… Thankfully).
- Most of my images are on Lubuntu, and are less than 2GB. So sending the VHD file was not a large issue. For sites with very low bandwidth, it can take 2 days, but that’s not too bad.
- One the VHD arrives, it was simple to remote into the device and get all of them up and running. (Using KVM).
- Since I didn’t want to deploy already captured images to the servers, I used our support software to access the server and capture the images that were needed from the devices in the site. (Getting the MAC and Hostname was not an issue, our support software displays that for us.)
Currently, my next plan involves creating an ISO of linux using Pre-seed and having FOG install and configure itself whenever we deploy new hardware. It has been working in my DEV lab, but I am still logging errors that might pop-up and trying to prevent them. Usually I see errors with the database, but that is usually resolved by not having a MYSQL password.